Moose Jaw

Solid showing for Moose Jaw at high school badminton Invitation­al

3VJHS WSH`LYZ ^PU MV\Y VM Ä]L KP]PZPVUZ H[ event as season kicks into high gear Randy Palmer - Moose Jaw Express


In past years, badminton players from Moose Jaw high VFKRROV ZRXOG RIWHQ ¿QG WKHPVHOYHV SXWWLQJ WRJHWKHU impressive showings in the local league, but run into GLI¿FXOW\ RQFH WKH\ WRRN WKH FRXUW DJDLQVW VPDOO WRZQ schools that specialize­d in the sport.

Based on results from the Moose Jaw Invitation­al Badminton Tournament this past weekend, that isn’t the case any longer -- and it bodes well for future success for players looking to make their way to provincial­s.

3OD\HUV IURP WKH )ULHQGO\ &LW\ ZRQ IRXU RI ¿YH divisions during the event on Saturday afternoon at 3HDFRFN LQ DGGLWLRQ WR D KRVW RI WRS WKUHH ¿QLVKHV

Central’s Harry Lin -- who played tennis for Team Sask at the 2019 Western Canada Games -- continued KLV LPSUHVVLYH VWDUW WR WKH VHDVRQ ZLWK D ¿UVW SODFH ¿Qish in the boys singles division. Right on his heels was Cornerston­e’s Cole Breitkreuz in second place, with Briercrest Christian Academy’s Ike Wong taking third.

Girls singles saw defending provincial silver medalist Kenzie Behrns from Cornerston­e continue her fast start to the season, taking top spot ahead of Briercrest Christian’s Skye Dueck and Glentworth’s Mary-Jane Doherty.

Mixed doubles ended up as an all Moose Jawleague top three, with Central’s Jaylon Salido-Porter DQG (PEHU 'XVRPPH LQ ¿UVW $VVLQLERLD¶V 6\GQH\ Huys and Evan Zalinko claiming second and Cornerston­e’s Nick Gyug and Jenna Benallick in third.

Cornerston­e’s Malayna Gramlich and Sarah Buhler won the girls doubles division as Kiara Lee and Savannah Peterson from Glentworth were runners-up and Vanier’s Ratchel Chakanza and Rizza Alimoot placed third.

Boys doubles was the only class won by a nonMoose Jaw league team, with Bosco Yio and Cayden 7VRL IURP %ULHUFUHVW &KULVWLDQ ¿QLVKLQJ DKHDG RI :LOO Grondin and Ty Reid from Assinboia. Ashton Glova and Jayden Watterson from Vanier were third.

The Moose Jaw high school senior badminton league is back in action on Tuesday, April 12 at Peacock.

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