Moose Jaw

Movement and Aging

Age- Friendly Committee Article Series- April 2022

- Submitted by Ashley Florent, Age Friendly Moose Jaw

Aging is an unavoidabl­e part of existence. We all age; that is entirely out of our control. However, we can control our behaviours, such as moving more and participat­ing in physical activities as we continue to age. ParticipAC­TION, a national QRQ SUR¿W RUJDQL]DWLRQ WKDW KHOSV &DQDGLans sit less and more, states that there are QXPHURXV KHDOWK EHQH¿WV WR ROGHU DGXOWV moving more and sitting less, including • a lower risk of mortality, cardiovasc­ular disease, hypertensi­on, type 2 diabetes, several cancers, anxiety, depression, dementia, ZHLJKW JDLQ DGYHUVH EORRG OLSLG SUR¿OH falls, and fall-related injuries; and • improved bone health, cognition, quality of life and physical function[1].

ParticipAC­TIONs 24-hour movement guideline for adults ages 65 and up recommends the following:

• Older Adults (ages 65+) participat­e in various types and intensitie­s of physical activity, including moderate to vigorous activity accumulati­ng up to 150 minutes per week.

• Add up to several hours of light physical activity such as standing. [1].

ALWAYS check with your family physician before starting any new physical ¿WQHVV SURJUDP DQG EH VXUH WR VWDUW VORZ and move at a comfortabl­e pace.

Ready to get active and not sure where to start?

There are numerous ways for seniors to participat­e in physical activity around Moose Jaw, below is a list of a few orgaQL]DWLRQV ZKR SURYLGH SURJUDPPLQ­J IRU those ages 65 and up

• Moose Jaw Seniors and District 306 694-4223

Seniors classes and walking track

City of Moose Jaw 306 694-4500

Water Workouts


• Seniors Walk at Yara (mobility devices are permitted on the track, climate controlled)



• Temple Gardens Mineral Spa- 306694-5055

Meditative Movement Water Class •

Movement at Home

Perhaps you live remotely, lack transporta­tion, or would prefer to be active at home- there are still numerous ways to move your body, including gardening, a few laps of the hallway, or marching while sitting in a chair.

If you plan to be active at home, be sure to contact a family member or friend prior to exercise, and after, stop if you IHHO GL]]\ DQG EH VXUH WR VWDUW VORZ ,W LV also essential to ensure your space is free of clutter, take frequent water breaks, and ALWAYS contact your physician prior to any physical activity program.[2].


65+ | ParticipAC­TION

[2] Seniors Staying Active | Arthritis Society

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