Moose Jaw



Good morning Hon. Dustin Duncan. My name is AlODQ 'RQDOG DQG , DP D JUDQGIDWKH­U RI WZR HOHPHQtary school children that live in this province. We as a society have been promoting anti-bullying in our schools and telling the children to be kind to one another while as adults we send the opposite mesVDJHV ,W KDV UHDOO\ EHHQ ERWKHULQJ PH ZLWK DOO WKH stickers on vehicles and all the signs when the freeGRP FRQYR\ ZDV RQ DQG VWLOO LV LQ VRPH SODFHV , DP talking about the F*** Trudeau signs and stickers that are prevalent everywhere you drive. On several occasions my grandchild­ren have commented on them and make statements like everyone “HATES” 7UXGHDX 7KHQ , KDYH WR H[SODLQ WKDW WKDW LV QRW WUXH and there are lots of people in this country that have the same last name and that it is inappropri­ate to use obscene language and symbolism. How can we teach our children that bullying is wrong when the actions of immature adults in our province and country make statements publicly that it is alright to use obscene language towards another human being. What do all the other people and their children feel that have the last name Trudeau. As leaders of this province it is time to take a stand against this, or continue being a hypocrite when it comes to anti bullying. On the Gov. of Saskatchew­an website F*** 7UXGHDX IDOOV XQGHU \RXU GHÀQLWLRQ RI EXOO\LQJ ,W LV time that leaders start to denounce this kind of behaviour because our children are watching and we are sending mixed messages to them. 5HVSHFWIXO­O\

Allan Donald

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