Moose Jaw

CITY HALL City hall to update, modernize 31-year-old travel expense policy

The next regular council meeting is TUESDAY, OCT 11. Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express


The City of Moose Jaw plans to update its 31-year-old travel expense policy so that city hall can better understand and administer the document when handling trip costs for staff and council.

During its Sept. 26 regular meeting, city council voted unanimousl­y to adopt the amended travel expense policy, which was last updated in 1991 and required sevHUDO FKDQJHV WR UHÀHFW FXUUHQW WUDYHO FRVWV and methods.

“It’s about time we revised this document,” Mayor Clive Tolley chuckled.

Coun. Heather Eby agreed, saying, “I’m glad to see the next review (of the policy) is October 2025 and not October 2056. And I’m sure things will have changed by then as well.”

The Human Resources department submitted the motion after conducting a regular review of all its policies and discoverin­g this one needed several amendments, a council report explained. The travel expense policy outlines the rules and procedures for reimbursin­g expenses acquired while travelling on municipal business.



Housekeepi­ng amendments include correcting references to bylaws and operationa­l guidelines; removing references to the city’s private use policy that is no longer in use; updating the amount paid for private accommodat­ions; and updating terminolog­y, such as changing city commission­er to city manager.

Gaps in policy

7KH +5 GHSDUWPHQW LGHQWL¿HG VHYHUDO gaps in the existing policy, the report said, including:

There is no contemplat­ion of virtual meeting options, given the dated nature of the policy

The existing policy has a deadline for submission­s of expenses but provides no means for city hall to enforce the deadline to ensure timeliness

There is no maximum amount identi¿HG IRU SDUNLQJ H[SHQVHV

Clarity is required to obtain virtual insurance for rental cars and responsibi­lity for any damage


The policy has several existing detailed sections that cover topics such as excessive travel time, excursion rates, double occupancy and incentive programs, the report said. However, these are not required and are “very complex” for HR to understand and apply.

The HR department recommende­d replacing these sections with an overarchin­g direction, such as outlining when travel is required or that the city will only cover expenses directly related to municipal business, the report continued. Within those guidelines, managers and directors would be responsibl­e for approving and verifying costs.

Also, department heads must obtain approval from the city manager to have expenses covered in U.S. dollars for each claim when travelling to the United States. Adding this stipulatio­n to the policy is expected to reduce the time and effort required to process these claims.

The practice of reimbursin­g in U.S. dollars is consistent with the practice of the provincial government.

The actual amounts reimbursed for any travel are governed by the out-of-town travel compensati­on operationa­l guideline at city hall, the report added. City hall updates this document annually based on the provincial government’s set rates.

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