Moose Jaw

Vanier students preparing to host second annual community Christmas dinner



Grade 12 students at Vanier Collegiate are coming together to host a community-focused Christmas dinner as part of a special initiative demonstrat­ing their Catholic faith.

Five classes totalling over 100 students are busily preparing for Vanier’s second annual Christmas dinner, ZKLFK RFFXUV 6DWXUGD\ 1RY DW WKH VFKRRO 7KH ¿UVW sitting happens at 4:30 p.m. and the second at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $10 each and can be purchased at the school or by calling 306-693-6744.

Students take a class called Catholic Studies, and during that class, they must participat­e in a Christian action project that shows their commitment to helping others. They have spent the past month fundraisin­g, organizing and preparing a Christmas feast — a turkey dinner ZLWK DOO WKH ¿[LQJV ² IRU DURXQG SHRSOH

“So we reach out to various sponsors who will help with sponsoring tickets for our families that perhaps would not have the opportunit­y for a Christmas dinner,” explained teacher Monique Byers.

Many sponsors and businesses have already stepped forward to contribute to the event, including Super Meats, ZKLFK ZLOO SURYLGH WXUNH\ DQG VWXI¿QJ

Meanwhile, the students will be at the school a few days beforehand decorating, creating a Santa corner and FUDIW FRUQHU DQG RUJDQL]LQJ UDIÀH GUDZV DQG HQWHUWDLQm­ent. They will also prepare the mashed potatoes, salads and vegetables, while they will handle cleaning up afterward.

“This is something we did a few years prior to COVID and students do everything … ,” said Byers. “And it’s really centred around the idea of service, of giving back to our community and giving to these families during the supper.

“And they really step up and take it on as their own DQG UHDOO\ ÀRXULVK ZLWK WKH ZRUN WKH\¶UH GRLQJ $QG WKH\ see what goes into this kind of endeavour,” she added.

Vanier Collegiate’s website is

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