Moose Jaw

Former Catholic school trustee receives prestigiou­s award for work in education

Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express


holds everything together.

The former education director added that while he received the award, education is a teamwork-oriented environmen­t.

Ward Strueby, current education director for Holy Trinity, said Wagner has been a strong advocate for Catholic education wherever he’s been. He mentored Strueby, while in general, he is a high-quality person.

“I think his biggest contributi­on is just being Del. … he is just a caring man who leads by example. He’s willLQJ WR KHOS RXW DQ\ERG\ DURXQG KLP ´ 6WUXHE\ VDLG DGGLQJ Wagner loves his Catholic faith and is guided by principles of hope, faith and love.

Wagner spent 35.2 years in education, most of that in Holy Trinity.

He was a teacher for nine years, a vice-principal for two years, a principal for 12 years, a superinten­dent for WZR \HDUV DQG WKHQ ¿YH \HDUV DV HGXFDWLRQ GLUHFWRU $Othough he retired in 2009, he spent two years afterward as acting education director at Holy Family School Division in Weyburn.

Wagner returned to Holy Trinity in 2016 to serve as a board trustee for four years while also the president and YLFH SUHVLGHQW RI WKH 6&6%$ +H RI¿FLDOO\ UHWLUHG LQ

Wagner enjoyed every position he held during his career. His most enjoyable time was working as a teaching SULQFLSDO LQ 6ZLIW &XUUHQW D IXO¿OOLQJ SRVLWLRQ VLQFH KH could be a leader but still interact with kids personally.

“That’s really important because … Catholic education — any education for that matter — has to be focused RQ WKH NLGV RU \RX¶UH PLVVLQJ WKH PDUN ´ KH VDLG ³$QG that’s what I can say about Holy Trinity: Holy Trinity is very student-focused.

“It was really nice to be part of an organizati­on like WKDW ´

Since retiring, Wagner has remained active with the Knights of Columbus and has been part of many community boards.

He believes Catholic education is at a crossroads, given some tumultuous times it has experience­d in the past IHZ \HDUV +H WKLQNV LW FDQ FOHDUO\ ³UHDVVHUW RXU LGHQWLW\´ with its mandate to deliver faith-based education.

“We just need to keep our compass on a forward SDWK ´ :DJQHU DGGHG ³WKXV SDYLQJ WKH URDG IRU D FRQWLQued bright future where Catholic education is available to DOO ´

 ?? ?? Jerome Niezgoda, president of the Saskatchew­an Catholic School Boards Associatio­n (left) presents the Julian Paslawski Meritoriou­s Service Award to Delmer Wagner for his work in Catholic education over 30 years. Wagner spent most of his career with Holy Trinity School Division. Photo submitted
Jerome Niezgoda, president of the Saskatchew­an Catholic School Boards Associatio­n (left) presents the Julian Paslawski Meritoriou­s Service Award to Delmer Wagner for his work in Catholic education over 30 years. Wagner spent most of his career with Holy Trinity School Division. Photo submitted
 ?? ?? Wagner family: Delmer Wagner (in back, second from right) poses with his family after receiving the Julian Paslawski Meritoriou­s Service Award. Photo submitted
Wagner family: Delmer Wagner (in back, second from right) poses with his family after receiving the Julian Paslawski Meritoriou­s Service Award. Photo submitted

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