Moose Jaw

Council to consider pedestrian lights at Thatcher and Fourth Avenue NW intersecti­on

The next regular council meeting is MONDAY, NOV 28. Jason G. Antonio - Moose Jaw Express


While pedestrian­s crossing Thatcher Drive West near Fourth Avenue Northwest may feel like they’re playing D JDPH RI FKLFNHQ EHFDXVH RI WKH WUDI¿F YROXPH VDIHW\ upgrades could soon be coming.

During its Nov. 14 regular meeting, city council voted unanimousl­y to discuss and consider installing pedestrian-crossing lights at that T-intersecti­on during the 2023 budget deliberati­ons.

Mayor Clive Tolley was absent because of illness. It’s easy to see how busy that intersecti­on — and crosswalk — is when coming from east or west on Thatcher Drive, especially since many drivers zip into the right lane when other motorists turn left, said Coun. Dawn Luhning, who moved the motion.

“It’s getting pretty dangerous there,” she stated. Luhning hoped council would consider installing pedestrian-crossing lights there because of the increase LQ IRRW WUDI¿F YROXPH DFNQRZOHGJ­LQJ LW ZRXOG ¿UVW QHHG cost estimates and a discussion during the budget. Yet, she hoped they could do something to better address safety there.

&RXQ 'RXJ %ODQF DJUHHG QRWLQJ KH EHOLHYHV WUDI¿F lights might be better because of how many people enter and leave Thatcher Drive from Fourth Avenue Northwest. However, he thought that idea should wait until city KDOO ¿QLVKHV LWV PDVWHU WUDQVSRUWD­WLRQ SODQ

“I would be very curious to see what type of traf¿F ZH DFWXDOO\ KDYH XWLOL]LQJ WKH )RXUWK $YHQXH RII RI Thatcher,” said Coun. Crystal Froese. “It seems to have increased exponentia­lly the last couple of years.”

City administra­tion discussed this T-intersecti­on a few months ago and agrees that the logistics of that area “are pretty scary” and poor for pedestrian­s, said city manDJHU -LP 3XIIDOW 7KH\ EHOLHYH WKDW WUDI¿F OLJKWV PD\ EH QHHGHG EHFDXVH LW¶V GLI¿FXOW IRU VRPH PRWRULVWV WR HQWHU and exit that area at certain times of the day.

3HGHVWULDQ­V PXVW DOVR EH DZDUH RI WUDI¿F ZKHQ FURVVing because the driving lane is narrow, he added. City administra­tion knows it needs to review that intersecti­on and appreciate­s city council pushing forward this issue.

“I walked by there a few times — several times, actually — and at certain times of the day, when Sask. Poly students and folks walking down to the high schools are crossing there, it is quite dangerous,” said Coun. Jamey Logan. “I will be excited to look at the different options (for that area) when they come to us at budget.”

The next regular council meeting is Monday, Nov.

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