Moose Jaw

WDM hosts popular holiday program A Christmas Long Ago on Dec. 10 and Dec. 17

Experience the traditions and celebratio­ns of Christmas past

- Saddman Zaman - Moose Jaw Today

Christmas is all about excitement, joy, ODXJKWHU DQG FHOHEUDWLR­QV :HVWHUQ 'HYHORSPHQW 0XVHXP :'0 KDV FRPH XS with an exciting Christmas campaign to spread the celebratio­n.

:'0 LV RQFH DJDLQ KRVWLQJ WKHLU popular holiday program A Christmas /RQJ $JR RQ 'HF DQG 'HF

“This is my favourite program that ZH RIIHU KHUH DW WKH :HVWHUQ 'HYHORSPHQW 0XVHXP ´ .DUOD 5DVPXVVHQ (GXFDWLRQ 3URJUDPV &RRUGLQDWRU DW WKH :'0 VDLG “It is important to get together to mark these special occasions such as Christmas with one’s family.”

The focus of this program is to experience the traditions of Christmas and KRZ WKH\ ZHUH FHOHEUDWHG \HDUV DJR Christmas is always about family gatherings, turkey dinners, brightly wrapped gifts, decorated trees and much more. Children would be excited about what gifts are under the tree, what would be inside the stockings, what new Christmas stories will unfold and what goodies would the family bake.

The presentati­on is also about the earO\ VHWWOHUV LQ 7KH\ FDPH IURP (Xrope through America and settled down for farming opportunit­ies. The story is

a progressio­n of their arrival to settling down, and how their families branched out to different places.

It was during Christmas when everyone used to gather around for family reunions. Family members who live in bigger cities like Saskatoon or Regina came down to their grandparen­t’s homes in rural areas for celebratio­n. In those times, communicat­ion devices were limited, and letter writing was popular. Families used to receive greeting cards and letters for holiday preparatio­ns. Trees were decorated with ornaments and children used to gather around for gifts. Carved wooden toys ZHUH YHU\ SRSXODU LQ

The presentati­on will consist of three parts: a story narration with projection­s of photograph­s from the museum’s archive, a real-life visual, followed by an activity where everyone would make Christmas cards with recycled materials and replicate different techniques that were used \HDUV DJR

7KHUH LV DOVR D 6QRZÀDNH 6HHN DQG Find activity for youngsters where nine LPDJHV RI GLIIHUHQW VQRZÀDNHV KDYH EHHQ hidden within the museum galleries. Young visitors will try and locate these images and record where they were found. At the end of the hunt, there will be an announceme­nt with a great big prize basket for the holidays.

:'0 ZLOO DOVR EH KDQGLQJ RXW D &KULVWPDV DW WKH :'0 ERRNOHW FRQWDLQLQJ guided questions about winter and holiday traditions, and artifacts archived in the museum galleries. There will also be VKRUW ¿OPV IURP WKH 1DWLRQDO )LOP %RDUG screening in their Saskatchew­an Theatre throughout the month.

This is an interactiv­e presentati­on where attendees would engage with real-life archives from the museum. The session has an in-person and a virtual presentati­on. In-person sessions will be hosted on 'HF IURP D P DQG DQRWKHU DW S P 9LUWXDO VHVVLRQ ZLOO EH RQ 'HF

DW S P 7LFNHWV DUH UHTXLUHG WR SXUchase to attend the in-person sessions but the virtual presentati­on is completely free. 7LFNHWV IRU :'0 PHPEHUV FRVW DURXQG


To register for this program please go to For more informatio­n FRQWDFW

 ?? ?? Ornamented Christmas tree from last year at WDM. Photo submitted by WDM.
Ornamented Christmas tree from last year at WDM. Photo submitted by WDM.

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