Moose Jaw



Dear Friends,

As 2022 comes to an end and we begin to prepare for WKH EXV\ &KULVWPDV VHDVRQ , FDQ¶W KHOS EXW UHÀHFW RQ WKH past few years.

In 2020 and 2021 we battled through a pandemic and VWLOO PDQDJHG WR ¿QG RXU QHZ ³)RUHYHU +RPH´ $V came to an end, we were looking forward to brighter days for our city. Then along came 2022 with its soaring grocery and gas prices. Sadly, for too many in our community, the increased cost of living took its toll. As a result, the number of people we are serving skyrockete­d. To our surprise, many of our new clients were students struggling to pay for tuition, rent and utillities, Ukrainian refugee families escaping the devastatio­n of war and the working low-income families whose wage just wasn’t enough to cover the bills.

In a world so torn by war and poverty, I count it a privilege to live in a community that is so willing to support one another. This became even more evident, when the annual “Better Together Food Drive” took place, after being forced to go virtual for two-years during the co-vid. On Halloween night our community donated over 44,000 lbs of food and close to 500 volunteers stepped up to assist in the collection and sorting of your donations.

Another bit of news I am excited to share… the CP Rail Holiday Train will come rolling through Moose Jaw illuminate­d in a splendor of Christmas lights, while The Co-op Grocery Store supports the food bank with its annual “Goodbuy to Hunger” fundraiser.

Equally as important, YOU, our schools, churches, clubs and local businesses just keep giving. Despite the economic crisis and 2 years of isolation, you continue to support us with food drives, fundraiser­s and generous monetary donations. Your support has been an integral part of keeping our doors open and providing for our community’s most vulnerable. We are so grateful for all you have done and continue to do.

:KLOH UHÀHFWLQJ RQ KRZ EOHVVHG ZH DUH WR EH D SDUW RI a community that makes a difference, I was reminded of a story I recently read about a widowed mom with 6 kids who needed the support of a Food Bank.

³$QQH LV D PRP ZKR LV ¿HUFHO\ FRPPLWWHG WR FDULQJ the best she can for her six children. She struggles to make sure their basic needs are met every single day. Some days this task feels nearly impossible for Anne . In fact, sometimes when her fridge is empty, she unplugs it to save money on electricit­y...with no food in the fridge what’s the point of wasting power. She tries to manage on her own as much as possible, but when she has absolutely no choice, she turns to her local Food Bank. This Christmas she came in because she had spent all her money on coats and mittens for her children and had nothing left over for the holidays. She wanted more than anything for her children to have a Christmas. The Food Bank provided Anne with a turkey and some food to make a Christmas dinner and a few gift cards to buy each kid a small present. Leaving Anne turned to the volunteers and said with emotion in her voice and tears rolling down her cheeks, “I am so grateful. Thank you so much for all you have given me. Now my kids will have Christmas and that is the greatest gift of all for me.”

For most of us, the Christmas season is a time to spend with family, enjoying delicious food and gifts given to our loved ones. But for many in our city, Christmas is a stressful time. Providing a festive feast or buying gifts for their children isn’t a possibilit­y. Keeping the heat on and enough food on the table to survive is their reality.

So as you prepare for Christmas with your loved RQHV WDNH D PRPHQW WR UHÀHFW RQ KRZ EOHVVHG \RX DUH and consider giving from your abundance to help those in need.

From Our Staff,

Thank You from the bottom of our hearts! Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

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