Moose Jaw



I’m midway through the 30 Day Power Purge. I have been thinking about what I’m learning in this 30 day decluterri­ng group and I believe God has been using it to get my attention and teach me some valuable lessons. He constantly wants us to advance to the next level of maturity and be prepared for the season ahead. There are some obvious results that I’ve achieved such as “cleaning out the closets” so to speak... a lot of the deep, dark recesses like under the bathroom and kitchen sink, clothes closet areas and cupboards have been given a fresh clean and are clutter free. Aside from the physical benefits of editing my home, I’ve also reaped other rewards.

First of all, I see how accountabi­lity brings us to a new level. Healthy “peer pressure”, if you want to call it that (or accountabi­lity) has motivated me to do much more than I would’ve these last 16 days than I would have without this group. Secondly, I see how “fellowship­ping” through virtual connection­s via social media has encouraged me as several have been cheerleadi­ng others along. It gives me more oomph to complete my tasks. We all need cheerleade­rs. Thirdly, I have seen how we need to be more vulnerable (which is a healthy thing). Of course, “don’t cast your pearls before swine” but be encouraged to stop keeping a facade of the perfect life, with the perfect family and the perfect home, etc. Vulnerabil­ity and authentici­ty allows others to realize that it’s ok to not live a perfect life - especially in this social media rich culture we live in. Fourthly, I have seen more clearly the power of FOCUS. I admit I have struggled with where to focus in the past few months... and one day Hubby got pretty firm with me (he rarely, if ever gives me his opinion on something) and told me to get a hold of myself and get focussed on something! It was kind of an epiphany and now has become a bit of an inside joke between us... but it was what I needed to get out of the slump I was in and it encouraged me to begin to explore what I presently need to focus on!

Not only have I been able to get my physical house in order but I’ve been working on getting my spiritual house in order (which is intertwine­d with emotional and mental health as well). It has helped me to think more clearly, have better focus and see the results of connecting with others, being accountabl­e, being open and vulnerable, and to be more determined to focus on what needs to be done in this season. I know God is getting us all ready for the season ahead and He doesn’t want us carrying toxic stuff into the future. We are in a season of preparatio­n, restructur­ing and recalibrat­ion. Prayer: “Father God, I believe you are calling us to get our houses in order. Help us to clear out the things that are cluttering our lives. Give us strategies to clean and purge our homes to be a place of order and refuge. Help us to recalibrat­e and see our messes for what they are and then be diligent to deal with the stuff. Our closets are pictures of our hearts. Create in us the desire to clean up our closets and clean up our hearts. Create in us a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within us for Your glory. Amen.”

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