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Demeter George Eugene Mulnar

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Veteran Profile


Born on July 20,1922, in Szekesfehe­rvar, Hungary, Demeter later served as a reservist with the South Alberta Light Horse Armoured Regiment. He enlisted on May 8, 1942, and saw active duty. As he was fluent in German, he was trained as an officer. On May 5, 1945, he acted as interprete­r and sat with Canadian Lt-general Charles Foulkes and Maj-general Huntly Ketches. Across the table were German officers Col-general Blaskowitz and his Chief of Staff Paul Reichelt, who were surrenderi­ng all German fighting forces in Holland.

“I had no idea what was happening. I walked into a room where there were tables surrounded by tables. I prepared my papers. Then reporters began to walk in, and then the German Generals came along.”

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