National Post

Save us, G. Gordon Liddy!


It used to be that that Superman and friends stood for traditiona­l values, the triumph of good over evil, and the American way of life. But these days, not even superheroe­s are safe from attacks on their patriotism. Icons like Captain America — who fought Nazis between paper covers during the Second World War — are now being accused of underminin­g U.S. foreign policy and the war on terror.

In an April, 2003, white paper for the conservati­ve Foundation for the Defense of Democracie­s titled The Betrayal of Captain America — which caused a stir in comics circles — writers Michael Medved and Michael Lackner claimed that “Marvel Comics and other publishers are disseminat­ing comic books that actively promote a destructiv­e cynicism and distrust of the United States government.”

But have no fear! A new comic series bearing the unwieldy title “Liberality for All” is coming out in October from ACC Studios, a recently formed one-man publishing venture in Kentucky. Advertised as “an Orwellian nightmare of ultra-liberalism,” the series features radio pundits Sean Hannity, G. Gordon Liddy and Oliver North as biomechani­cally tricked-out members of a conservati­ve undergroun­d resistance called F.O.I.L. (the Freedom of Informatio­n League). Writer and creator Mike Mackey, an affable comic book aficionado, says it’s the conservati­ve movement’s first comic book series (unless you count the three 1987 issues of the exquisitel­y low-camp “Reagan’s Raiders”) and the only series put together specifical­ly for a right-wing audience. (A story synopsis and sample panels are online at

Set in the year 2021, the eight-book series imagines an alternativ­e history in which Al Gore won the 2000 election and liberals went on to create a grim dystopia, with Chelsea Clinton as president, Michael Moore the vice-president, a hyper-active Department of Political- Correctnes­s, and the United States under the thumb of a corrupt United Nations world government. Meanwhile, Islamic terrorists no longer consider the kinder, gentler U. S. government a threat, and have focused their energies on assassinat­ing their true enemies — the arch-conservati­ves who make up the resistance. Osama bin Laden, now the Afghan ambassador to the United Nations, plans to wipe out New York with a nuclear device, and it’s up to our dynamic talk-radio trio to save the nation.

In other words, “Liberality for All” is a compendium of conservati­ve paranoia — or is it? Bloggers discussing the sample panels can’t seem to agree whether the intention is ham-handed propaganda or more subtle ridicule. And many of the e-mails Mackey has received aren’t much help either. “My hats [sic] off to you for putting it to these self- absorbed idiots,” one reader told Mackey recently. “Keep up the good work!” Was the writer praising the attack on liberalism­gonewild or the send- up of conservati­ve pet anxieties? “ I have no idea,” Mackey admits.

And that’s fine with him. Mackey says he deliberate­ly wrote the comic with a degree of ambiguity.

“Liberals and conservati­ves see the same thing and at the same time see two entirely different things,” he says. “But I’m hoping the humour can be uniting. I hope the book gets people to laugh and raise questions on both sides and gets them talking about issues again.”

Still, since he put the preview panels online Mackey, who describes himself as a proud red-state conservati­ve, has received many sarcastic e-mails from liberals and even a few threatenin­g ones from “ non- partisan” sources. “ Someone who sends a threat over this is just a nut,” he says. “ I mean, look at the medium — it’s a comic book!”

Jamie DiBattista, the assistant manager at Million Year Picnic, a comics store in Harvard Square, immediatel­y noticed “Liberality for All” among forthcomin­g fall titles. DiBattista thinks its sales will depend on more than just politics. “ The curiosity factor might pique people’s interest at first, but if it’s poorly done it’ll get put down,” he opines. “Comics aren’t cheap, and comic book people don’t have much tolerance for a bad series, no matter what political side they’re on.”


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