National Post

Lumsden takes his lumps over ‘ Hamilton Hottie’ spread


Rob Hitchcock is an attractive man. Some might go so far as to suggest the veteran Hamilton Tiger- Cats linebacker is sexy. But as an 11-year veteran, it was only a matter of time until another young hulk passed him by to become the team’s official sex symbol. That transition came yesterday as The Hamilton Spectator published a poster-sized picture of rookie running back Jesse Lumsden under the banner “Hamilton Hottie.” The 23-year-old is shown flexing his admirable biceps while looking wantonly into the camera lens. “I feel something’s passed me by,” said Hitchcock, 34. “ With that picture today of Jesse, the throne is passed over to him now. So I’m just waiting in the wings to see what’s happening next.” Lumsden became a local celebrity during his record-setting days at McMaster University and rekindled the local love affair when he signed with Hamilton last week. He is expected to make his CFL debut tonight as the Ticats host the Calgary Stampeders at Ivor Wynne Stadium. “ The one that’s feeling it the most is Rob, because he’s used to being the poster boy,” veteran Ticats slotback Mike Morreale said. “ And I don’t know what to do.” Lumsden seemed less than thrilled with the extra attention, which usually gives veterans fresh ammunition in their quest to keep rookies in their place. “ All the guys have been real good,” Lumsden said. “ And it’s a good bunch of guys on the team, so I wouldn’t expect anything less. Of course, there’s a little bit of razzing, especially when you get a full page in the paper, which is kind of silly.”

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