National Post

Jean’s siren song of freedom

Jaw-dropping boldness of speech seductive



I surrender. Let us

forget past criticisms. Let us put aside old quarrels. Your speech has collapsed my defences. You are my Commander- in-Chief.

After the oath of allegiance, after the musical numbers, after the Prime Minister’s introducti­on, I settled in to hear the new Governor- General deliver her first address to the nation, expecting to hear the usual banal bureaucrat­ese, or worse, the coded appeals to regional and racial chauvinism — sorry, diversity — that have become the official langage of Ottawa. Indeed, given her own past, I half expected some sly reference to the independen­ce of small peoples or the like.

I had not expected to hear the full-throated song of love to this country that in fact followed, a speech of heart-breaking sincerity and jaw-dropping boldness —the most ringing endorsemen­t of undifferen­tiated pan- Canadianis­m, I’m willing to guess, that the capital has heard in years. Nor could anyone have anticipate­d precisely how she would choose to convey her message, the points she emphasized, the words she preferred. The gesture of renouncing her French citizenshi­p had been welcome enough. But the speech was note-perfect in tone, and transforma­tive in content.

It was uplifting without being pollyanna-ish, tender yet toughminde­d, vigorous, audacious, even bellicose in spots.

 ??  ??
 ?? CHRIS WATTIE / REUTERS ?? Michaëlle Jean is sworn in as Governor-General yesterday. Declaring her love for Canada and its freedoms, she recalled her roots as a
Haitian immigrant. “My own story begins as a young child in another country. One ‘ draped in barbed wire from head to...
CHRIS WATTIE / REUTERS Michaëlle Jean is sworn in as Governor-General yesterday. Declaring her love for Canada and its freedoms, she recalled her roots as a Haitian immigrant. “My own story begins as a young child in another country. One ‘ draped in barbed wire from head to...

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