National Post

‘The time of two



Monsieur le Premier ministre, Prime Minister,

It is with tremendous pride and deep emotion that I am responding today to the call of destiny which sometimes takes us in a direction we might never have imagined. I am proud of the confidence you have placed in me by choosing me as the 27th Governor-General of Canada. Here today, before all of you, I am turning a significan­t page in my own story as I set off on this new adventure with hope and determinat­ion.

Hope has been a beacon for me since childhood and into my adult years. It is embodied in this country with its unlimited possibilit­ies — this country that we sometimes take for granted. My own story begins as a young child in another country, one “ draped in barbed wire from head to toe,” in the powerful words of the Haitian poet in exile, René Depestre, who is also my uncle. The story of that little girl, who watched her parents, her family and her friends grappling with the horrors of a ruthless dictatorsh­ip, who became the woman standing before you today, is a lesson in learning to be free.

Freedom has marked our history and our territory, it has marked our summer breezes and our howling winter winds. It has helped create the spirit of adventure that I love above all in this country, this country where each and every one of us is able to participat­e fully in the ongoing task of building it.

More than four centuries ago that spirit of adventure drove women and men to cross the ocean and discover a new world elsewhere. That spirit also led the First Nations to pass on to those new settlers the essence of this generous land. And it encourages people from all over the world to share in our prospects or to take refuge here and make a fresh start, safe from tyranny and violence. It inspires our artists, our scientists, our peacekeepe­rs and our institutio­ns as they work to spread our know-how and our message of hope. Today, we are the sum of those adventures.

We are encouraged to believe that everything is possible in this country and my own adventure represents for me and for others a spark of hope that I want kept alive for the greatest number.

The time of the “two solitudes” that for too long described the character of this country is past. The narrow notion of “every person for himself ” does not belong in today’s world, which demands that we learn to see beyond our wounds, beyond our difference­s for the good of all. Quite the contrary: We must eliminate the spectre of all the solitudes and promote solidarity among all the citizens who make up the Canada of today. As well, we must make good use of our prosperity and our influence wherever the hope that we represent offers the world an extra measure of harmony.

 ?? JIM YOUNG / REUTERS ?? Governor-General Michaëlle Jean and her daughter, Marie-Éden, pet the foot guard’s mascot, Batisse, after Jean was sworn in to office yesterday in Ottawa.
JIM YOUNG / REUTERS Governor-General Michaëlle Jean and her daughter, Marie-Éden, pet the foot guard’s mascot, Batisse, after Jean was sworn in to office yesterday in Ottawa.

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