National Post

solitudes is past’


And that is how I am determined that the position I occupy as of today will be more than ever a place where citizens’ words will be heard, where the values of respect, tolerance, and sharing that are so essential to me and to all Canadians, will prevail. Along with my husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, I hope to rally our creative forces around those values that unite us all and that are universal in scope.

There is an observatio­n by Montesquie­u, a philosophe­r of the Enlightenm­ent, that has a particular resonance for me and I would like to share it with you. It states that “ The duty of the citizen becomes a crime if it makes him forget the duty of the man.” To this, I would of course add “the duty of the woman,” because we want recognitio­n as fullfledge­d citizens in our own right. That statement inspires me and comforts me, for me it is a rampart against the barbarism that afflicts so many in this world. And it reminds me how fortunate we are to be citizens of a country that’s not afraid to tear down walls of prejudice, one whose generosity is its finest attribute in the concert of nations. As Governor- General I shall place special emphasis on the generosity that Canadians have shown throughout our history, from our veterans and our Canadian Forces, who have often sacrificed so much, to the many volunteers in humanitari­an actions, who often work in the shadows in the name of a peaceful ideal of freedom and justice.

Most of all, I want our young people to be our standard-bearers. I am the mother of a little girl whose story opened my eyes to certain very harsh realities that we must not ignore. My daughter, Marie-Éden, has changed my life. She has taught me that while all children are born equal, they don’t all have the same opportunit­ies to flourish.

I am eagerly looking forward to meeting my fellow- Canadians very soon. I am convinced that Canada will continue to accomplish great things if we work together for a better quality of life — for our own population and for all humanity. Our country is vast and it is blessed with a wealth of colours and the varied music of its tongues and accents.

I already have some sense of the wisdom of the First Nations; of the legendary hospitalit­y and humour of people in the Atlantic provinces; of the flourishin­g culture and the generosity of spirit of Quebecers, of the resilience of Francophon­es outside Quebec; of the impressive economic vitality of Ontario; of the sense of honour of residents of the West, where, I’m told, it is still possible to conclude a business deal with a handshake; and of the spectacula­r geography of British Columbia.

I hope with all my heart that together, we can call upon the vigour of our shared history to realize our dearest and most ambitious wish: to make a better world.

Thank you.

 ?? JIM YOUNG / REUTERS ?? Michaëlle Jean and her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, greet the crowds on Parliament Hill yesterday from an RCMP-escorted landau.
JIM YOUNG / REUTERS Michaëlle Jean and her husband, Jean-Daniel Lafond, greet the crowds on Parliament Hill yesterday from an RCMP-escorted landau.

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