National Post



Necessity is the mother of Joss Whedon’s reinventio­ns. The 41year-old writer-director boldly went where he had gone before — not once but twice — because he needed to.

The irresistib­le impulse first consumed him when his Buffy the Vampire Slayer

script turned into a flimsy 1992 movie that bombed both artistical­ly and at the box office. Rather than sulk, Whedon sold his Buffy premise to TV in 1997 and shaped the postmodern piece of Gothic entertainm­ent the way he wanted it done. Seven years later, Whedon had a Buffy hit that went out with a bang last season.

And when Whedon’s 2002 sci-fi western TV series, Firefly, was axed after only 11 episodes, he decided to reapply his renovating skills, this time turning the cult-favourite TV show into a feature-length motion picture.

Opening Friday, the resulting movie is called Serenity, which is the name of the space ship and home of interstell­ar drifters trying to survive in a restricted universe.

Part spoof and a whole lot of action and adventure, Firefly has been shaped by Whedon into a seriousmin­ded major motion picture that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s a contradict­ion that could describe the creator, a smart-aleck quipster often described as the Geek Guru.

“ Well, I prefer pigheaded nerd lama,” says a smirking Whedon, both mocking and celebratin­g his status. “ Although, I do admit, I wear the Geek Guru mantle proudly.”

And he should. Firefly fans

can be credited with helping Whedon get his movie

made. Huge sales of the

series DVD — more

than 200,000 units —

proved to be an eyeopener for the studio, and eventually helped to

greenlight the

film project.

A series of

summer Serenity screenings

attended by

zealots calling

t h e m s e l v e s

Browncoats, in

honour of the

show’s defeated

freedom fighters,

more or less confirmed what marketing mavens anticipate­d — Serenity would attract Trek- like devotees.

Indeed, the positive reaction to the movie also proved that Whedon’s stubbornne­ss had paid off. He had resisted the suggestion of casting big-name actors to take over the TV roles. Instead, he brought back all nine cast members from the series.

OK, so some of the Serenity actors might be vaguely familiar. Gina Torres made a name for herself in The Matrix sequels. Adam Baldwin played Animal Mother in Full Metal Jacket. Alan Tudyk might be remembered for his part in A Knight’s Tale and Ron Glass can set the famous wayback machine to his Det. Harris days in the 1970s Barney Miller


Mostly, though, the cast are made up of journeymen celebratin­g their good Firefly and Serenity fortunes.

 ?? UNIVERSAL STUDIOS ?? Nathan Fillion as Captain Malcolm Reynolds and Adam Baldwin as Jayne in Joss Whedon’s new movie, Serenity, which brings characters from the TV series Firefly to the big screen.
UNIVERSAL STUDIOS Nathan Fillion as Captain Malcolm Reynolds and Adam Baldwin as Jayne in Joss Whedon’s new movie, Serenity, which brings characters from the TV series Firefly to the big screen.
 ??  ?? Sarah Michelle Gellar as TV’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Whedon’s first success.
Sarah Michelle Gellar as TV’s Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Whedon’s first success.

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