National Post

Toronto captures the nation’s attention — for the wrong reasons

Every week, the Post receives hundreds of letters to the editor, providing a snapshot of our readers’ collective state of mind. In the column below, our letters editor highlights some of the more passionate­ly argued letters we received last week that did


Aspate of murders in Canada’s largest city captured letter writers’ attention this week. Suggestion­s (tougher gun laws, more youth centres, more God) on how to deal with Toronto’s drug and crime problems dominated this page on Thursday and Friday, with many more suggestion­s coming in than we had room to print. So here are a few more.

Many readers called for tougher penalties for criminals.

“Not too many years ago, if you killed somebody, you stood the chance of going to the gallows and not being a problem to society ever again,” wrote W. Robertson. “When you hear judges saying it’s unconstitu­tional to give people killing with guns a big sentence, then the system of justice in Canada has broken down. Let’s go back to our true Canadian way of letting a few people swing, to let the rest of the bad guys know we’re mad as hell and not going to take it anymore. Where is Charles Bronson when we need him?”

Not too many years ago, if you killed somebody, you stood the chance of going to the gallows — W. ROBERT SON

A few readers said the shootings illustrate­d the need for tougher gun control in Canada. After one of these letters was published, other readers countered that such measures will not deter the criminal element.

“Does your letter writer think a ban on semi-automatic ammunition clips and a requiremen­t that law-abiding gun owners move their weapons to safe storage facilities will virtually eliminate gang-related shooting incidents?” asked Steve Flanagan. “Why not also propose to ban barbecue events?”

Many letters were critical of elected officials for their handling of the situation.

“Everybody laughed when former Toronto mayor Mel Lastman brought in the army to clean up the city’s snow,” said Arthur Rubinoff. “Perhaps Mayor Rob Ford should do the same thing, and bring in the army to clean up Toronto gangs. It is a much better solution than his idea of ‘ making life for these thugs miserable’ until they leave.”

“Mayor Ford’s idea to run the criminals out of town, although laudable, is unrealisti­c,” agreed Bernie Dobrucki. “Here’s a more practical idea: Provide training so that every gang member in the city can become a skilled marksman. Then, when they take aim at other gang members, they will hit their intended targets, saving the innocent bystanders. This will eliminate mo r e gang members , with no innocents killed or wounded by missed shots. It ’s a classic win-win.”

Other readers blamed our immigratio­n and multicul- turism policies for contributi­ng to the social problems plaguing Toronto. A few letters were published in this regard, but not those that specifical­ly blamed members of just one race for these shootings. (Since no one has been convicted, letter writers cannot take it upon themselves to pass judgment in this area.)

Speaking of race, this reader questioned why the name of a Caucasian teen killed in Toronto seven years ago keeps surfacing in stories (six times in the last six months) about current crime problems in Toronto.

“I am curious why journalist­s insist on referencin­g Jane Creba’s 2005 murder as ‘ shocking Toronto,’ ” wrote Kristin Kent. “All murders in this city are atrocious, not just when a white girl falls victim. This is a consistent blow to minorities, so why do journalist­s across the city still include this unrelated detail in their stories?”

An editorial in Tuesday’s paper denounced Ontario’s Liberal government for cancelling a power project for purely political reasons — at a cost of $180-million to taxpayers. Many letter writers agreed this criticism was well founded, with this reader suggesting the public scolding could become a regular feature in the Post.

“A newspaper in South Africa runs a column called ‘ Mapara of the week,’ ” wrote Kanti Makan. “Mampara means a fool, idiot or buffoon, and it is meant to focus attention on a public figure who has said or done something so stupid and outrageous that public shaming is necessary to focus attention on his/her misdeed. A weekly column of this type in your paper would go a long way in garnering public opprobrium for those inept, lying and cheating scoundrels who dare to govern us and cause us unnecessar­y grief. Otherwise we are doomed to be led by morally and mentally deficient fools who count on our collective amnesia for remaining in power.”

Every province has its own flag, but according to the Post’s graphic columnist, Steve Murray, most are “cluttered messes.” To help in this regard, Mr. Murray, National Editor Rob Roberts and Style Editor Nathalie Atkinson are inviting readers to vote online (smurray@nationalpo­ as to “whether the old flag stays or goes.”

Last Saturday, this trio critiqued the 10 provincial flags. (When discussing the Prince Edward Island flag, shown below, Mr. Murray stated: “I think it’s nice that they let the entire Grade 3 class design a flag.” Ms. Atkinson noted: “This is pretty. The lush trees conjure the Garden of Eden; however, Anne or no Anne, we all know how that ended.” And Mr. Roberts added: “P.E.I.’S flag, like Brazil’s, shows dangers of overthinki­ng and under-editing.”

While part two of this flag-critique effort is found elsewhere in this Saturday issue, not every reader thinks it is a good idea.

“Disgracefu­l. The comments of three naive, self-important smartypant­s,” wrote Geoffrey Corfield.

“Tabloid trash. The National Post’s standards are falling. String these three up the flagpole.”

 ??  ?? Prince Edward Island’s flag
Prince Edward Island’s flag

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