National Post


Romero responds after former teammate says Blue Jays’ pitcher should be sent to minors.

- BY JOHN LOTT National Post jlott@nationalpo­­ball

DETROIT • Ricky Romero says he had not heard what former teammate Dirk Hayhurst said about him. And despite what the critics may say, Romero’s manager insists the embattled left-hander will make all his starts for the rest of the season, and he will stay in the big leagues with the Toronto Blue Jays.

Hayhurst, the former pitcher perhaps better known as an author and broadcaste­r, sparked an online hullaballo­o after he said on Sportsnet TV that Romero’s performanc­e has descended “into the area of embarrassm­ent.”

Speaking on a post-game show after Romero issued eight walks and lost his 10th straight decision here Tuesday night, Hayhurst said Romero should be sent to the minor leagues.

“He’s embarrasse­d himself,” Hayhurst said. “He knows it, the fans know it, the team knows it.”

After various starts this season, Romero has used “pathetic” and “horrible” to describe his performanc­e. Following a 16-0 loss to Oak-

People can say what they want. All I can do is continue to go out and do my job

land, he also used “embarrasse­d” and “embarrassm­ent.”

When told about Hayhurst’s comments on Wednesday, Romero first said he did not wish to respond. Then, without mentioning his former teammate directly, he made it clear he thought the remarks were unfair.

“People can say whatever they want as far as me going to the minors and this and that,” Romero said quietly after finishing his throwing drill in the outfield. “But a lot of guys struggle in this game, not just me. I don’t see stuff like that mentioned for them.

“It’s easy to pick and do all the dissecting when you’re sitting behind a desk. The toughest thing is going out there and actually putting on a uniform and just dealing with it.”

Romero acknowledg­ed, however, that he has been embarrasse­d by his string of losses, his league-worst 5.63 ERA and his league-leading 87 walks, all of which have come after a season in which he won 15 games and posted a 2.92 ERA.

“You come out of a game and you sit and think about how embarrassi­ng it is,” he said. “It’s been tough.”

Manager John Farrell said the Blue Jays will not make Romero skip a start or send him to the minors to escape the intense pressure.

“We believe in him, and we’re not going to run from Ricky Romero,” Farrell said. “We all have lived what he’s going through, the struggles he’s had. We have not forgotten the years leading up to this year either. I think it would be very short-sighted on our part to say, ‘You know what, Ricky, sit on the bench for a while.’ That’s not to say that we don’t continue to work at and address his needs.”

Among the things Romero needs is a win, Farrell suggested. So the manager said he will look for opportunit­ies to pull Romero early when he has gets a lead and has strung together several strong innings.

“Like it or not, starting pitchers sometimes view themselves by their won-lost record,” Farrell said. “That goes against focusing on the process rather than the end result, but it’s always beneficial and reinforcin­g to get some proof of the work you’re putting in. So we feel like there’s a potential adjustment that we can make, or that I can make with in-game decisions regarding him directly, that hopefully we can continue to build the confidence that’s needed.”

Hayhurst took pains Wednesday to clarify his comments, both on Twitter and in a radio debate with cohost Sam Cosentino on The Fan 590’s Baseball Central. His use of “embarrassm­ent” was “very polarizing to a lot of fans,” he acknowledg­ed on the radio program.

“I don’t think that Ricky is an embarrassm­ent to pitching,” Hayhurst said. “What I think is happening is he embarrasse­d himself. You could see it on his face and you could see it the way he reacted when the opposing team’s fans — the Tigers’ fans — applauded him for throwing a strike.”

Hayhurst stuck to his view that Romero should get the chance to regroup in the minors.

Farrell said the Jays have “a concrete plan” to help Romero finish the season with positive momentum. He was vague about the details, beyond his intention to look for ways to let Romero leave a game on an optimistic note when possible.

If Romero were sent to the minors, “then we don’t give him or ourselves the ability to create that momentum,” Farrell said.

As for Romero himself, he said he is proud of the way he has coped with his season from hell.

“Not once this year have I made an excuse about it,” he said. “I’ve stood tall through all of it. I’ve faced the media. I’ve faced the fans, faced the boos and everything. I’ve taken it all in, and in my own way, I’ve stayed positive.

“People can say what they want. All I can do is continue to go out and do my job. Obviously, I haven’t done it well but I know the work that I’ve put in every day and I’ll just continue to do that.”

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