National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Unread messages, usually 5. Drench in water 9. Thickness of a down comforter 13. Killer whale 14. Ends of the Earth’s axis 16. Islamic leader 17. Boys 18. River flowing into the Mediterran­ean 19. Bathroom flooring 20. Somewhat hungry 22. Crib toy 24. Social insect 25. Wide open 27. Thoroughfa­re 30. Give the OK to 34. Navigation hazard 35. Swear word 37. Old TV problem 38. Cereal plant 39. Anarchic 42. ___ Anne, Manitoba 43. Cudgel 45. Flightless bird 46. Skiing hazards 48. Make quiet 50. German subs 52. Driving danger 54. One half of a rink 55. In the middle 58. Godless person 62. Burn treatment 63. Grant consent 65. Checked item 67. Did a number 68. Takes no advantage of 69. Counterten­or 70. Place to bounce a baby 71. Add a little color to

72. Student’s need, often


1. Call for help 2. Temporary support 3. Adolescent affliction 4. Cosmetic for the eyelashes 5. Fairy 6. Circus reactions 7. “Welcome to Maui!” 8. Range of knowledge 9. Alphabet units 10. Pass over 11. Put as much as possible into 12. “K-i-s-s-i-n-g” place 15. Angels of the first order 21. Ring solemnly 23. iPhone download 26. Rich cake 27. Notational sign 28. Add 29. Ground robin 31. Beginning 32. Goes to the polls 33. Fleecy females 34. Carbonated water 36. Fermented beverage 40. Supply of weapons 41. Peach pit 44. Harass with requests 47. Departing from tradition 49. ___ carte 51. Command 53. Ankle bones 55. False face 56. Verve 57. Ready to be eaten 59. Student driver, usually 60. Concert highlight 61. Goodbye 64. Received 66. Two thousand pounds

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