National Post

The $50-billion stigma

Huge cost to leaving the mentally ill sitting unemployed, report says

- By Lee-Anne GoodmAn in Ottawa

Ninety per cent of Cana di a ns with serious mental illnesses are unemployed due largely to prejudice about their conditions — a startling state of affairs that costs the Canadian economy an estimated $50-billion a year, according to a sweeping new report.

The Aspiring Workforce report, commission­ed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, delves into the challenges facing those Canadians, targeting all levels of government, businesses, policymake­rs and the notfor-profit sector in addition to the attitudes of Canadians themselves toward those who suffer from mental illness.

Obtained by The Canadian Press, the report — conducted by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the University of Toronto and Queen’s University in Kingston, Ont. — recommends collaborat­ion among all sectors to find work for mentally ill Canadians, many of whom have training and skills.

“This report represents hope, it really does, for many people who are voiceless,” Patrick Dion, vice-chairman of the commission, said in an interview.

“It’s astonishin­g that 90% of the mentally ill are unemployed. Our lives are a three-legged stool — a home, a job and a friend — and so if that job leg isn’t there, the journey to recovery is made that much more difficult.”

In its executive summary, The Aspiring Workforce report urges a “national program of action to change this situation. There are effective ways to increase employment; this is a problem that has solutions.”

It calls for early interventi­on, noting that the longer someone spends away from the workforce, the more difficult it is for them to get back to work.

It also urges government­s to remove disincenti­ves to return to work, noting that those receiving disability payments often fear leaving those programs because their financial situation might become precarious, and could even worsen, by returning to work.

Mr. Dion calls that recommenda­tion the most crucial part of the report.

“Imagine getting into the paradox of having employment programs that may provide you with your drug benefits and care around your mental health, and they get clawed back because you’re making money that still leaves you marginally below the poverty line,” he said.

“If provincial government­s across the country were to move in unison to provide adaptabili­ty on those types of programs, that would certainly provide a whole lot more hope and a whole lot more employment.”

The report, to be officially released on Wednesday in the midst of a worldwide Mental Health Awareness Week, also calls for stable funding for what’s known as “best practices” — programs that support the employment of the mentally ill.

Andrea Payne, a human resources manager for 18 Tim Hortons franchises in Kingston, Ont., has firsthand knowledge of how hiring and accommodat­ing mentally ill employees has benefited her employer, J.E. Agnew Food Services, a Tim Hortons franchisee.

Ms. Payne has worked with community organizati­ons that include the Frontenac Community Mental Health and Addictions Services to place many motivated employees over the past six years. There’s been no downside, she said in an interview.

“They’re not just screened, they have employment preparatio­n,” she said. “They come very prepared, they want to work and they’re very eager. The job is definitely party of their recuperati­on … it’s a huge part of their recovery.”

Many of the affected Canadians who responded to a survey by the Aspiring Workforce researcher­s reported that the stigma surroundin­g mental illness was a major barrier to their return to the workforce.

“People are afraid,” one survey respondent said. “They don’t understand [mental illness] and don’t want to be educated. They don’t want to realize it is the same as diabetes or epilepsy.”

In 2007, Prime Minister Stephen Harper announced the creation of the non-profit Mental Health Com-

People are afraid. They don’t understand [mental illness]

mission of Canada in response to a Senate committee that studied mental health, mental illness and addiction.

“Harper has moved forward where other government­s haven’t, and he should be applauded for it,” Mr. Dion said.

Canada’s first-ever national strategy to improve mental health for all Canadians was released by the commission last year. It emphasized recovery from mental illness and urged for more prevention, especially when dealing with young people.

Last week, a campaign aimed at reducing youth suicide rates in Canada was launched by the Partners for Men- tal Health and Michael Kirby, the former chairman of Mental Health Commission.

The campaign hopes to “draw attention to the fact that Canada is failing to meet the mental health needs of our children and youth with devastatin­g consequenc­es like youth suicide.”

In an interview, Mr. Kirby said the response has been positive to the campaign, which urges early detection and treatment of mental illness among youth.

“It’s not being rejected out of hand by anybody,” he said. “The federal government recognizes that down the road, they can save money if they get kids treated earlier.”

Mr. Dion is equally optimistic for the Aspiring Workforce recommenda­tions.

“It’s my hope that all levels of government will give careful considerat­ion to these recommenda­tions because there’s lots that can be done easily, and wouldn’t necessaril­y come at great expense,” he said.

Indeed, the report found that working improves the lives of the mentally ill while reducing the economic costs. People with mental illness who work, for example, use far fewer hospital and other health services than those who are unemployed.

Approximat­ely $28.8 billion is also spent every year in public disability income support for people with mental illness; the report argues that increasing employment will dramatical­ly reduce those costs.

“Everyone is a winner if we make the right changes,” the report states. “No country can now afford to have productive citizens sitting idle because of poorly designed health and social programs.”

 ?? GALIT RODAN / BLOOMBERG NEWS ?? Unemployme­nt of Canadians with mental illnesses costs the economy an estimated $50-billion a year, according to a report commission­ed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada and produced by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of...
GALIT RODAN / BLOOMBERG NEWS Unemployme­nt of Canadians with mental illnesses costs the economy an estimated $50-billion a year, according to a report commission­ed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada and produced by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, University of...

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