National Post


Ahead of DreamWorks’ highly anticipate­d film about Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks saga, Jesse Walker explores how organizati­ons can cope in a world where informatio­n wants to be free

- Jesse Walker Jesse Walker is books editor of Reason magazine and the author of The United States of Paranoia (HarperColl­ins).

Of course they made a movie about Julian Assange. He’s a complicate­d character being pursued by some of the most powerful people on the planet. It’s a scenario that just screams to be filmed.

But while The Fifth Estate — which opens in theatres Oct. 18 — may turn out to be a compelling picture, it probably won’t shed much light on the revolution represente­d by WikiLeaks, Assange’s website that specialize­s in publishing secret informatio­n. It’s not likely to shed that light for the same reason the story is such an attractive idea for a film in the first place: It’s about Julian Assange, a man whose adventures and personalit­y threaten to obscure the conditions that thrust him into the news. Assange may have taken advantage of the circumstan­ces that made the world ripe for WikiLeaks, but those circumstan­ces were here before Assange came along, and they aren’t going to disappear when he departs.

As the security specialist Bruce Schneier put it, “the government is learning what the music and movie industries were forced to learn years ago: it’s easy to copy and distribute digital files.” Today anyone with access to the Internet can publish informatio­n, and getting hold of that informatio­n can be far simpler than it was in the era when files were actual pieces of paper. Edward Snowden, the leaker who exposed the U.S. government’s PRISM program, left his job with thousands of documents on a tiny thumb drive. That would have been harder, and the contraband much heavier, in the old days.

Snowden made a big personal sacrifice when he leaked that data, but not every large leak need carry so big a risk. Less formidable federal agencies have secrets, too. So do lower levels of government. So do businesses, unions, charities, churches, universiti­es and political parties. In the age of easy leaks, any institutio­n that has both damaging secrets and disgruntle­d employees has a reason to fear.

A century ago, North America’s most radical union — the Industrial Workers of the World, or Wobblies — understood what a powerful weapon whistleblo­wing could be. “Workers on the railroads can tell of faulty engines, unsafe trestles,” one Wobbly pamphlet proposed. “Marine transport workers would do well to tell of the insufficie­nt number of lifeboats, of inferior belts, and so forth. The textile worker can tell of the shoddy which is sold as ‘wool.’… The workers carry with them the secrets of the masters. Let them divulge these secrets, whether they be secret methods of manufactur­e that competitor­s are striving to learn, or acts of repression directed against the workers.” The Wobblies called that tactic “open mouth sabotage.” Now that mouth can open wider than ever before.

If you just focus on Assange and WikiLeaks, you might miss that. Schneier’s

Any institutio­n that has both damaging secrets and disgruntle­d employees has a reason to fear

comparison to the music industry is apt. There was a time when the major labels thought they could stop file-sharing by neutering a company called Napster. They succeeded in plugging that hole, but they couldn’t stop the flood. Now those labels are being forced to face a choice they thought they could avoid in the Napster days: Adapt, or suffer the consequenc­es.

That’s the same choice that large, opaque, hierarchic­al institutio­ns face in the age of easy leaks. Some of those organizati­ons are now pondering just what such an adaptation would require.

Option one Track down leakers before they can leak. Two years ago this month, the U.S. government created the Insider Threat Program, describing the effort as an attempt “to ensure the responsibl­e sharing and safeguardi­ng of classified national security informatio­n.” Among other things, this entails asking federal employees to watch one another for signs that someone might want to spill some secrets.

Yet it isn’t always obvious that someone is planning to leak. The authoritie­s have circulated a list of “behaviours that may indicate an individual has vulnerabil­ities that are of security concern,” but they’re relying on a dubious, untested profile of a security risk. A workplace where people are encouraged to monitor one another for vaguely defined “indicators” is a workplace that’s risking a serious decline in morale. Then you’re back at the problem of disgruntle­d employees with secrets at their fingertips.

Option two Give secret informatio­n to fewer people. In the United States, nearly five million federal employees and contractor­s have access to at least some classified data. We’re already seeing some efforts to cut that number back: After Snowden’s leak, for example, the National Security Agency’s director declared his intention to replace the vast majority of the agency’s system operators with machines.

But not every job can be automated, and walling off informatio­n from the remaining human employees has consequenc­es. As anthropolo­gist Hugh Gusterson pointed out in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, segmenting access to data “runs counter to the whole point of the latest intelligen­ce strategy, which is fusion of data from disparate sources.” Centralizi­ng informatio­n and cutting off communicat­ion make an organizati­on less effective — particular­ly an organizati­on that is supposed to combat hidden threats.

Option three Just don’t classify so much. In 2012, the Public Interest Declassifi­cation Board pointed out that in Washington, “most classifica­tion occurs by rote,” with a bureaucrat­ic culture that “defaults to the avoidance of risk rather than its proper management.” That is true, and it is worth changing. But it doesn’t tell the authoritie­s what to do with the secrets that are left over.

There are other options, I’m sure, and other experiment­s to come. In the meantime, our intensifie­d ability to copy and transfer informatio­n will transform the power dynamics both between and inside institutio­ns. Some of those organizati­ons will react by becoming more horizontal and transparen­t. Others will clamp down in fear. Still others will haphazardl­y dabble in both approaches. If The Fifth Estate manages to tell that story, I’d be happily surprised.

 ?? FRANK CONNOR / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES ?? Benedict Cumberbatc­h, as Julian Assange, left, with Daniel Bruhl, as Daniel Domscheit-Berg, in The Fifth Estate.
FRANK CONNOR / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILES Benedict Cumberbatc­h, as Julian Assange, left, with Daniel Bruhl, as Daniel Domscheit-Berg, in The Fifth Estate.

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