National Post

Foster … Ecuadorian justice comes to Canada.


The left invariably takes the anti-corporate side in any dispute, whatever the facts. Rarely can there have been a more bizarre example of reflexive business-bashers supporting a corrupt and indefensib­le “David” vs. a righteous corporate “Goliath” than in the case of Ecuadorian natives vs. California-based Chevron Corp.

What the case really amounts to is an attempt by a U.S. lawyer named Steve Donziger to score a big payday by persuading Chevron that it would be easier to settle than fight bogus charges. Instead Chevron said that it would fight until hell freezes over, then continue fighting on the ice.

Not only have the Usual Greener-than-thou Suspects such as Danny Glover, Mia Farrow, and Trudie Styler (Mrs. Sting) taken up the cause, but the Canadian Union of Public Employees, CUPE, has also recently joined the fray, along with grandstand­ing Toronto City councillor Joe Mihevc, and local NGO rentamobs. That’s because this smelly carcass of a suit has washed up in Canada.

Whether the shakedown can be pursued in Ontario is due to come before the Supreme Court of Canada by year-end. An Ontario court originally ruled that while there might be jurisdicti­onal grounds for allowing the case (a ruling which said nothing about the merits of the case itself ), such an exercise would be a waste of judicial time. That judgment was overturned on appeal, leading to Chevron’s successful request for a Supreme Court ruling.

The case refers to environmen­tal damage allegedly caused in Ecuador by Texaco, which Chevron acquired in 2001. Texaco, which stopped operating in the South American country in 1992, in fact paid for remediatio­n and was released from further obligation­s by Ecuadorian authoritie­s.

Enter Mr. Donziger, a former classmate of Barack Obama at Harvard Law, who presented himself as a defender of the oppressed, while selling himself to litigation financiers as a sure bet. In February 2011, it appeared that Mr. Donziger had hit the jackpot. An Ecuadorian judge awarded damages of US$18 billion (subsequent­ly reduced to US$9.5 billion).

Chevron initiated a civil lawsuit in the U.S. and, last March, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York handed down a stunning 500-page decision, declaring the Ecuadorian judgment unenforcea­ble in the U.S. because Mr. Donziger had obtained it via extortion, money laundering, wire fraud, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations, witness tampering and obstructio­n of justice. Judge Lewis Kaplan stated that “The wrongful actions of Donziger and his Ecuadorian legal team would be offensive to the laws of any nation that aspires to the rule of law.’

Which brings us back to Canada, and why Mr. Donziger and co. would

First movie stars and now Canadian unions are lining up in Chevron shakedown

be pursuing their case here. The most obvious reason is that Chevron subsidiary Chevron Canada has substantia­l assets. Canada has also world renowned for the ease with which it can generate anti-oil mobs.

Mr. Donziger’s Ontario case is being pursued by Toronto lawyer Alan Lenczner, who has decried the “degradatio­n of the rain forest,” and even claimed “I have been down there and I have seen the devastatio­n.” Such a claim is implausibl­e, at least if he is referring to any devastatio­n caused by Texaco more than twenty years ago. Since then, state oil company Petro Ecuador has continued operating in the region, so any devastatio­n would almost certainly be its doing.

Companies often settle such cases out of court rather than endure endless legal proceeding­s and struggle with opponents who are much more skilful at manipulati­ng the media. One of the many, many embarrassi­ng details revealed by the subpoena of Mr. Donziger’s emails is the flagrant bias of some journalist­s, in particular­ly William Langeweisc­he of Vanity Fair.

Among other crusading journalist­s who were sucked into taking the side of the “little guy(s)” was Paul M. Barrett, who wrote a sympatheti­c piece for Business Week in 2011. However, as Mr. Barrett dug deeper, he lost his sympathies, at least with Mr. Donziger. His book, The Law of the Jungle, confirms the corruption of both Mr. Donziger and the Ecuadorian judicial system, as does another recently published work, Crude Awakening, by Michael D. Goldhaber.

Mr. Donziger has launched a smear campaign against Mr. Barrett and appealed Judge Kaplan’s ruling, although it seems that he is fighting more now to stay out of jail than for his Ecuadorian clients.

One might indeed feel sorry for those who are being exploited in this farrago, but their plight is due to the populist government of Rafael Correa, and the feckless standards of Petro Ecuador, not Chevron or its predecesso­r companies. Meanwhile Mr. Donziger’s concern for natives might be gauged by the fact that he tried to stop a cleanup of the government-polluted area because it was slated to cost a relatively small amount of money, thus making his own claims look even more ridiculous.

Mr. Donziger’s former confederat­es have been swimming away from his sinking ship in droves. One wonders whether Mr. Lenczner may be concerned about Chevron’s assertion that it “will resist any enforcemen­t effort and seek to hold anyone who would attempt to enforce the fraudulent judgment in another jurisdicti­on accountabl­e to the full extent of the law.” One of Mr. Donziger’s previous law firms, Patton Boggs, has agreed to pay Chevron US$15 million.

Chevron is now thought to be Ecuador’s number one policy issue. The country has reportedly tasked its diplomats with pursuing the case, presumably including supporting protests in Canada by fact-free anti-capitalist bandwagon-jumpers. But whether or not the world needs more Canada, the last thing Canada needs is more Ecuador, or cases brought by the likes

of Mr. Donziger.

 ??  ?? U.S. actor and activist Danny
U.S. actor and activist Danny Glover.

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