National Post

British court rules against electronic mass surveillan­ce

‘landmark case’

- By Mark Scot t The New York Times

London • The court that oversees intelligen­ce agencies in Britain ruled Friday electronic mass surveillan­ce of cellphone and other online communicat­ions data had been conducted unlawfully.

The legal decision, the first time the court has ruled against the British intelligen­ce services since the tribunal was created in 2000, relates to informatio­n shared between British security agencies and the National Security Agency before December 2014.

Although privacy campaigner­s hailed the decision as a victory, many experts said the British and U.S. intelligen­ce agencies would continue to share informatio­n obtained with electronic surveillan­ce, even if they had to modify their techniques to comply with human rights law.

“It’s a real landmark case,” said Ian Brown, a professor of informatio­n security and privacy at the University of Oxford. “This will not stop intelligen­ce agencies from sharing informatio­n. But it’s unlikely they will be able to conduct large-scale uncontroll­ed intelligen­ce activities without more oversight.”

In the past decade, British and U.S. intelligen­ce agencies have used a program known as Prism and others like it to gain access to individual­s’ Internet communicat­ions without their knowledge.

The British court found the intelligen­ce agency, Government Communicat­ions Headquarte­rs, had unlawfully retrieved informatio­n gathered from U.S. surveillan­ce programs before the end of 2014. In doing so, GCHQ had broken European human rights law because there was not enough oversight regarding the way in which the informatio­n had been collected from U.S. agencies.

“For far too long, intelligen­ce agencies like GCHQ and NSA have acted like they are above the law,” said Eric King, deputy director of Privacy Internatio­nal, one of the groups that brought the case.

“Over the past decade, GCHQ and the NSA have been engaged in an illegal mass surveillan­ce sharing program that has affected millions of people around the world.”

The same court, however, ruled last year U.S. and British intelligen­ce agencies could continue to lawfully share informatio­n because the oversight of the data-collection program had been brought into compliance with European law.

GCHQ said the court’s ruling would allow the vast surveillan­ce techniques to continue.

“We are pleased that the court has once again ruled that the U.K.’s bulk intercepti­on regime is fully lawful,” it said, referring to the December ruling.

“By its nature, much of GCHQ’s work must remain secret. But we are working with the rest of government to improve public understand­ing about what we do.”

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