National Post


- By Walter D. Feener


1. Wide-mouthed pitcher 5. Macho man 9. Top part of an apron 12. Tongue-shaped flatfish 13. Land near a sea 14. The stuff that software writers

write 15. Purplish red colour 16. Hair ringlets 17. Big-eyed birds 18. Given to unstable behaviour 20. Close of day 22. Business attire 23. It has a lot of problems 24. Hoi polloi (with “the”) 27. Warnings of probable trouble 30. Kind of wrestling 31. Word in some addresses 33. Use a hatchet 35. Baby bird sounds 37. Paddle 38. Shoulder scarf 39. Auction 40. Woodland 42. Did nothing 43. Small rivers 45. Proof of identity 47. Factory containers 48. Feeling achy 49. Prevent someone from doing

what they are trying to do 52. Pouch worn with a kilt 55. Unit of language 56. Communicat­e electronic­ally 58. Eye part 60. “Dies ___” 61. Arrow notches 62. Goes out with 63. Space between teeth 64. Hot Japanese beverage 65. Makes miscalcula­tions


1. Clairvoyan­ce 2. One in “sheep’s clothing” 3. Jewish month 4. Lax in attending to one’s duties 5. He won 5 Stanley Cups with the

Canadiens 6. Whig opponent 7. Web page address 8. Last course of a meal 9. Fiddle sticks 10. Run out of gear 11. Supreme effort one can make 13. Metamorphi­c rock 14. Establish communicat­ion with 19. Shot in the dark 21. Profit from 23. In that place 24. Things stored in a GPS 25. Floor measuremen­ts 26. Melt metal to refine it 27. Claws to pieces 28. The ones there 29. Of the sun 32. Parts of houses 34. Cats and dogs 36. Spread throughout 38. Canadian Hall of Fame

racehorse trainer 40. Overfeeds 41. Thread units 44. Spike of corn 46. Read carefully 48. Stiletto heel 49. Little tree branch 50. Romanian circle dance 51. Sandwich type 52. Tackle a quarterbac­k 53. Assert to be true 54. ___-do-well 57. New Zealand bird 59. Donkey

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