National Post


Will Soudas turn rat?

- John Ivi son Comment from Ottawa

Someone had to say it and midway through the press conference Justin Trudeau obliged.

“It’s all about Eve this morning,” the Liberal leader told reporters, as he unveiled Eve Adams as the latest addition to his caucus.

He’s obviously never watched the Bette Davis movie — the ultimate tale of female ambition and betrayal. The reference undermined the impression he was trying to convey of a political ingénue, whose values and integrity had been compromise­d by, in her words, “mean-spirited leadership.”

It was also misleading. This is not all about the defection of a mid-ranking, scandal-plagued MP — the more interestin­g sub-plot involves her partner, a human enigma machine named Dimitri Soudas, the former executive director of the Conservati­ve party, who knows the most intimate secrets of the Harper government since it was sworn into office.

The Cinderella story presented by the Liberals was self-serving drivel.

The reality is that the floor-crossing Ms. Adams had already been rejected by Stephen Harper — the “grumpy boss” — and the Conservati­ve party.

She had decided to leave her Ontario riding of Mississaug­a-Brampton South to run for the Conservati­ves in the new nearby riding of Oakville-North Burlington. After an increasing­ly nasty nomination fight with Natalia Lishchyna, the Conservati­ves moved to disqualify both candidates. Ms. Adams pre-empted that disqualifi­cation by taking herself out of the race for health reasons, following a concussion. Curiously, there was no mention of health problems during Monday’s press conference.

John Walsh, the Conservati­ve party president, told Ms. Adams she would not be permitted to run for the party because of “misconduct” during the nomination race.

With no chance of running for the Tories, she was in danger of losing the opportunit­y to recoup the six months severance that even losing MPs can claim.

For the Liberals, the upside comes from having a Conservati­ve MP vindicate the narrative they have been peddling of an autocratic and imperious prime minister — leading a nar- row, exclusive party — in contrast to the “welcoming and inclusive vision of Canada” presented by Mr. Trudeau and the Liberals.

“Our growth depends on bringing people together,” he said.

The press conference had a soap opera-ish quality, similar to the day another blond Conservati­ve joined a Liberal leader in the National Press Theatre to declare she no longer shared the values of Mr. Harper’s brand of conservati­sm. Belinda Stronach’s defection was comparable in its naked opportunis­m, but far exceeded in importance the tawdry sight of Ms. Adams lauding the Trudeau Liberals and disowning the income-splitting policy she ran on in 2011.

In the Stronach tale, the love interest was provided by Peter MacKay, jilted and bitter, protesting betrayal from his potato patch with a borrowed dog.

In the 2015 redux, questions were asked about Mr. Soudas, Ms. Adams’ partner and the now very ex-executive director of the Conservati­ve party. Upon his appointmen­t to the $300,000-ayear job, he was told he had to recuse himself from the Oakville-North Burlington race, where Ms. Adams was a candidate. When it turned out he was using party resources to help her win, he was fired. He was alleged to be behind the scheme to sign up party membership­s for people who said they hadn’t paid for them, which helped get Ms. Adams disqualifi­ed.

In the midst of their troubles, the two rolled out the old borrowed dog routine themselves, taking two onloan pugs for a walk when the paparazzi came to call.

Now the very strong suggestion from Ms. Adams and Mr. Trudeau is that Mr. Soudas will help her campaign for the Liberals in whichever safe berth they find her.

“I look forward to working with her and everyone she brings with her,” said the Liberal leader.

That would certainly bolster suggestion­s that it was Mr. Soudas who approached the Liberals a week ago and brokered the deal announced Monday. In a tweet, he said he “fully supports” Ms. Adams’ decision.

Her departure will be greeted with a degree of equanimity, even enthusiasm, in Tory circles.

But if, as seems likely, Mr. Soudas has turned rat, it will be a cause of great consternat­ion in the upper reaches of the Conservati­ve party. He knows where the bodies are buried because he buried many of them himself. As executive director, he was charged with mastermind­ing the Conservati­ve party’s re-election. That plan is now seriously compromise­d.

With the Ides of March looming, Mr. Harper could be forgiven for wondering who will be next to betray him, after John Baird and the man he personally installed as executive director of the party. Et tu, Dimitri, et tu?

 ?? JustinTang / thecanadia­n pres ?? MP Eve Adams, joined by Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, said Monday she is leaving the Tories to join the Liberal party.
JustinTang / thecanadia­n pres MP Eve Adams, joined by Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, said Monday she is leaving the Tories to join the Liberal party.

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