National Post


Why Greece and the EU will reach an agreement in a hail of headlines.


Two continent-ripping crises loom over Europe, both seemingly dependent on Angela Merkel. At the top of the agenda is Ukraine, which has the German Chancellor crossing the Atlantic to meet with Canadian and American leaders in search of support and consensus for some form of collective action against Russia. Greece, apparently, can wait, which may be an indication that the risk of a financial blow up of Europe is currently less than a military one.

Keeping track of the plot of the Greek theatre of the financial absurd has become a challenge for theatre fans everywhere, especially those of us high in the balcony with only partial views of the stage. The two main Greek players, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis — the latest financial figure to earn the “rock star” title from the media — look to be top notch performers.

Whether they and the European Union survive to the end of the piece is another matter. Tragedy looms. The critics are divided. Economist Anatole Kaletsky had a good line on the rock star. “Varoufakis’s idea of strategy is to hold a gun to his own head, then demand a ransom for not pulling the trigger.”

Alan Greenspan, former head of the U.S. Federal Reserve, told the BBC that it is “only a matter of time” before everyone realizes that Greece isn’t helped by being part of the Eurozone and the Eurozone doesn’t get any help from Greece.

In response to this, Finance Minister Varoufakis said Mr. Greenspan, a fellow economist, is a meddlesome outsider who never saw the Eurozone as a viable project, meaning there’s nothing new or worthwhile in the former Fed chairman’s comments.

True enough. In his 2013 book, The Map and the Territory, Mr. Greenspan politely but pointedly singled out Greece for its slovenly fiscal standards. “There had been widespread notion that the Italians, once they embraced the euro, would behave like Germans. From day one, they did not. Nor did the Greek, Portuguese, or Spanish members of the European Monetary Union.”

It is, said Mr. Greenspan, a cultural thing. “The Eurozone has not exhibited the ability to counter the key concern of currency unions: that the value created by a pooling arrangemen­t tends in the end to be distribute­d disproport­ionately in favour of the financiall­y less collegial and less prudent members of pool.” Of Greece, Mr. Greenspan said: “Unless restrained, the less collegial members of the pool will try, and often succeed, to exploit the advantage available to all members of the pool — that which Greece in particular so brazenly exploited over the past decade.”

On stage, some new plot twists will emerge later this week when Greece presents some kind of an escape plan.

Will Greece back down? It has so far on a couple of key issues. Or will it try to force a final duel as a Feb. 28 cash deadline approaches?

If this is a game of Greek roulette, as Mr. Kaletsky suggested, the Greek rock star and his prime minister could find themselves outmanoeuv­red by Germany and the EU bureaucrac­y, forcing a Greek backdown after being denied new funding options. “Such last-minute capitulati­on,” said Mr. Kaletsky in a column, “could mean resignatio­n for the new Greek government and its replacemen­t by EU-approved technocrat­s, as in the constituti­onal putsch against Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi in 2012.” In that event “Varoufakis might be replaced as finance minister, while the rest of the government survives. The only other possibilit­y, if and when Greek banks start collapsing, would be an exit from the euro.”

Both extreme events — collapse of the new Greek government or an exit of Greece from the Eurozone — seem unlikely. A Greek exit would be potentiall­y catastroph­ic for Greece and Europe, something that all sides seem to agree on, including the new Greek leadership. But this is political theatre for which no final act has been written. The most probable outcome is that Greece and EU will reach some kind of chaotic agreement in a hail of headlines.

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