National Post


People thought Obama would help race relations, but it’s only gotten worse. B. Kay,

- Barbara Kay National Post­y

With Barack Obama’s tenure as U.S. president grinding to its definitive end, it’s clear the chasm between the Messiah-like figure he sold himself as in 2008 and the only-too-flawed mortal we see today will not close.

In no area did he arouse greater expectatio­ns than that of race relations. Obama’s inexperien­ce and lukewarm patriotism, factors that would have sidelined any white candidate, were America’s tradeoff for the long-sought grail of white redemption for past sins. Obama’s blackness was perceived as the magically rising tide that would lift all American blacks’ boats.

But little has changed for blacks during Obama’s presidency, and that little has been negative. Homicide is still the leading cause of death for young black men (with 90 per cent of the perpetrato­rs other black young men). Blacks, 13 per cent of the population, represent 37.5 per cent of state prison population­s, and contrary to popular opinion, they are mostly there for violent offences, not minor drug crimes (if everyone imprisoned on a drug charge were freed, blacks would still constitute 37 per cent of inmates — a mere 0.5 per cent drop). In spite of decades of affirmativ­e action, blacks underachie­ve in school and are most at risk of dropping out. The black unemployme­nt rate is double that of whites and has been throughout five decades of liberal policy-making.

Why aren’t black boats rising in spite of all the programs, preference­s and money lavished upon their communitie­s? How one answers that question is a shortcut to one’s political stance. Progressiv­es say blacks aren’t succeeding in acceptable numbers because of historical­ly entrenched structural racism in a white-dominated society. Conservati­ves, when they are bold enough to say so — and few are — agree with journalist Jason L. Riley, that it is largely because of “a black subculture that rejects attitudes and behaviours that are conducive to academic success.”

In a January speech he gave at private, conservati­ve Hillside College, explaining why he wrote his recently published book, Please

Stop Helping Us, Riley recounted a telling personal anecdote. Visiting family in Buffalo, N.Y., he was chatting with his seven-year-old niece, when she asked, “Uncle Jason, why you talk white?” She turned to her little friend and said, “Don’t my uncle sound white? Why he tryin’ to sound so smart?” Riley was not surprised. He says his siblings had teased and mocked him the same way when he was young. Fortunatel­y, he ignored them, which explains why he is an editoriali­st at The Wall

Street Journal — and why so many other black young men who succumbed to the pressure to resist “white” values are not.

Noting that Obama had announced another federal increase in preschool education, even though studies from his own administra­tion show they have no significan­t impact, he calls this one more example of the “liberal flight from evidence and empiricism” that began in the 1960s and continues in spite of constant failures. Riley pulled no punches in his speech, stating, “Underprivi­leged blacks have become playthings for intellectu­als and politician­s who care more about revelling in their good intentions or winning votes than advocating behaviours and attitudes that have allowed other groups to get ahead.”

We know what those behaviours are. So did Martin Luther King, who never believed America was inherently evil, only that his country was guilty of a lapse into evil, a lapse that could be corrected by recognitio­n of injustice, laws to entrench equality and the freedom to pursue opportunit­ies on a level playing field. Even when it was unlevel, MLK urged good character and self-improvemen­t on blacks as the key to personal dignity and success. That all changed when liberals in- formed blacks they were perpetual victims — even after passage of the 1964 Civil Rights Bill and the 1965 Voting Rights Bill — and so “today there is no greater impediment to black advancemen­t than the selfpityin­g mindset that permeates black culture.”

This is tough love, but it is true love. Fatherless­ness, the single greatest factor for poor social outcomes, is the default for most black children, up to 90 per cent in some inner cities. In 1965, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, then assistant secretary of labour, published a watershed report: The Negro Family: The Case for National Action. In it he identified the breakdown of the black family — not racism — as the source of blacks’ failure to thrive, and the cause of their multiple social ills. His report has been vindicated as 100 per cent prophetic, but he was called a racist by liberals and the report sank like a stone.

Fifty years on, it is time to recognize that tides rise organicall­y, not by state watering cans and magical presidents. Internal culture is the best predictor of any group’s social and economic success. When the children of two-parent black families respond to their articulate uncles with admiration and a desire to emulate them rather than with mockery, black boats will rise. And not before.

People thought Obama would heal America’s bitter racial divide. It’s gotten worse

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