National Post

Harper’s hate for the Charter

- Scot t Bri son Scott Brison is the MP for KingsHants (N.S.) and Liberal finance critic.

One of the tenets of Stephen Harper’s Conservati­ve party, like its predecesso­rs, the Reform party and the Canadian Alliance, is a populist belief in “majority rule” when determinin­g minority rights. This mindset is contemptuo­us of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, which it scorns as leading to “judge-made laws” or “judicial activism.”

It’s not surprising that in 2012 the Harper government chose to spend millions of tax dollars fêting the anniversar­y of the War of 1812 while ignoring the 30th anniversar­y of the Charter. Simply put, today’s Conservati­ves have never liked the Charter, a major legacy of Pierre Trudeau. In fact, at the first convention of the new Conservati­ve party, lapel buttons were distribute­d emblazoned with “It’s the Stupid Charter.”

Mr. Harper’s views reflect his Reform-Alliance roots and are diametrica­lly opposed to the views held by successive leaders of the PC party that it consumed. Former prime minister Joe Clark said one of the strengths of the Charter was that it codified Canadian instincts of fairness.

Fairness was at the heart of Brian Mulroney’s 1988 Multicultu­ralism Act. While multicultu­ralism was recognized in the Charter, this legislatio­n defined all citizens as equal with the freedom to preserve, enhance and share their cultural heritage.

Contrast that with Mr. Harper’s Reform party, which in 1990 opposed Sikh RCMP officers wearing turbans, and now his Conservati­ve government’s intention to appeal a court decision permitting a woman to wear a niqab at a citizenshi­p ceremony.

In 2000, the majority of the PC caucus voted to support the Chrétien government’s legislatio­n to provide samesex pension benefits in the public service. Mr. Harper’s Canadian Alliance stood in opposition.

Whatever the hot button issue of the day, Mr. Harper’s modus operandi is the same: troll for votes by pitting the majority against minority rights.

In 2005 in the House of Commons, he pandered to the fears of religious minorities in a speech against samesex marriage, saying “underminin­g the traditiona­l definition of marriage is an assault on multicultu­ralism and the practices in those communitie­s.”

At that time he was trying to pit re- ligious minority communitie­s, including Sikhs and Muslims, against gay rights.

The target today is Muslims, but Mr. Harper is still using the same divisive playbook.

On March 11, Mr. Harper said Muslim women who choose to wear a veil are a product of a culture that is “anti-women.” On Jan. 30, he said terrorists working from basements or mosques would be targeted by new measures in Bill C-51. Immigratio­n Minister Chris Alexander has called the hijab a perversion of Canadian values. And recently, Conservati­ve MP Larry Miller said Muslim women who wear a niqab at their citizenshi­p ceremony should “head the hell back to where they came from.” Never mind that they may have been born in Canada.

Mr. Harper panders to people’s fears and appeals to their dark side.

During the same-sex marriage debate I was approached by some Sikh Canadians in Edmonton who were opposed to the proposed law. I responded that the same Charter that defended their right to wear a kirpan defended the rights of gays to marriage equality. The Charter is not a buffet. You can’t take from it the rights you like and leave the rest.

Mr. Harper and his team feel emboldened to use xenophobic antiMuslim rhetoric by public-opinion polls that appear supportive of his position. Defending his anti-niqab rhetoric, Mr. Harper said “almost all Canadians oppose the wearing of face coverings during citizenshi­p ceremonies.”

Mr. Harper ought to be aware that the majority of Canadians also support the Charter of Rights.

His statement shows both ignorance of, and contempt for, the Charter. Ignorance, in that Mr. Harper doesn’t understand that a prime minister has a responsibi­lity to defend the spirit and letter of the Constituti­on. Contempt for the Charter, not simply because of his populist views, but because of his disdain for any limits on his absolute power — power that was secured with the support of 39.6% of voters.

I may not be totally comfortabl­e with niqabs, and some Muslims may not be totally comfortabl­e with samesex marriage. The beauty of the Charter is that it compels us to rise to the occasion, confront our fears and ignorance, and accept our difference­s. The Charter appeals to all of our better angels.

Former PC leader Robert Stanfield, in defending minority language rights, once said, “there’s nothing easier than uniting most Canadians against some Canadians.” Canada is worthy of more than the easy path.

The target today is Muslims, and the prime minister is returning to a familiar, divisive playbook

 ?? Adrian Wyld / the cana dian press ?? Prime Minister Stephen Harper
Adrian Wyld / the cana dian press Prime Minister Stephen Harper
 ?? Aaron Vincent Elkaim for National Post ?? Zunera Ishaq sued the government, arguing the Harper
government’s ban against face-coverings at citizenshi­p ceremonies is an infringeme­nt of Charter rights.
Aaron Vincent Elkaim for National Post Zunera Ishaq sued the government, arguing the Harper government’s ban against face-coverings at citizenshi­p ceremonies is an infringeme­nt of Charter rights.

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