National Post


Coupland comes out to play in Toronto, while fashionist­as flock toward Fausto

- Amoryn Engel

It was hot all around at the recent Holt Renfrew hosted party for Italian designer

Fausto Puglisi. Unsuspecti­ng guests were led through a hidden alley to discover a deconstruc­ted space with exposed brick and beams accented with bold graphic prints from the designer’s latest collection. Monitors spread throughout this “undergroun­d” party were also streaming the recent Milan runway show.

The inspired venue was a former den of “iniquity” in the basement at 66 Gerrard St., and not unlike Fausto’s designs, it was a brazen mix of peeps: part punk, part regal, and entirely over the top. Puglisi’s mentor was his grandfathe­r Giuseppe, a tailor who bought him copies of French

Vogue and encouraged his love of classical history.

“Sicily is about clashing

extremes,” Puglisi said. “Violence and beauty; riches and poverty; sexiness and religion. And it all comes back to history.” Fausto raved about how much he loves Toronto and spoke of how special Holt Renfrew was to him, as they were the first to pick up his collection.

You can always count on Montreal to turn out a stunning crowd with European flare. Such was the case at another fete just last week, as A-listers flocked to the sparkling new Prada store to coo at the spring/summer collection while knocking back coupes de Champagne and nibbling on small bites courtesy of Tuck Shop. Boldface names included arts and culture maven Marissa-Nuss; Christine Boivin, PR executive and board member of the Fondation du musée d’art contempora­in de Montréal; Anna Antonopoul­os; Dr. Diane Vachon, a supporter of the Musée National des Beaux Arts de Quebec; and journalist/ socialite Debbie Zakaib. A percentage of the total sales for the week will be donated to the Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation.

Avant-garde! Experiment­al! Pl ayf ul ! That was what 2015 ROM PROM X was all about. Young Patrons Circle (YPC) members and patrons brought it for the 10th annual (and I hear the last) PROM at the ROM. The inspiratio­n for the big blow-out was the current exhibition by Douglas Coupland, everywhere is anywhere is anything is everything. Some lucky revellers even had the opportunit­y to be photograph­ed with the artist and receive a signed Polaroid picture. Talk about going out with a bang.

 ??  ?? Roslyn Griffith Hall, Anjli Patel andParam Birkeile Patti Rosati andJane Apor Sharon Ng Hayes Laura HankoSylvi­a Mantella and Fausto Puglisi Blogger CasieStewa­rt Aya MacMillana­nd George Antonopoul­os, fashion directorLa­risa Shapovalov­a, manager, sales at Holt Renfrew Morad Affifi and Kristina Kuleshoff Karen von Hahn and Thomas von Hahn Jessika Fink and Emily Nadolny Alexandra Lalonde Derrick Nantais and Greg McFall Sara Camber andErin Davis
Roslyn Griffith Hall, Anjli Patel andParam Birkeile Patti Rosati andJane Apor Sharon Ng Hayes Laura HankoSylvi­a Mantella and Fausto Puglisi Blogger CasieStewa­rt Aya MacMillana­nd George Antonopoul­os, fashion directorLa­risa Shapovalov­a, manager, sales at Holt Renfrew Morad Affifi and Kristina Kuleshoff Karen von Hahn and Thomas von Hahn Jessika Fink and Emily Nadolny Alexandra Lalonde Derrick Nantais and Greg McFall Sara Camber andErin Davis
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Natalie Bussieres David Lapierre andNormand Ciarlo Nataliya KhylenkoRi­ku Mondal Dominique Bertrand Rosemarie Bertrand and Adam VanVlaardi­ngen
Natalie Bussieres David Lapierre andNormand Ciarlo Nataliya KhylenkoRi­ku Mondal Dominique Bertrand Rosemarie Bertrand and Adam VanVlaardi­ngen
 ??  ?? Casey Antolak and Amanda Benvenuti Julio Reyes and Daniel Desforges Susan Horvath, president/CEO ROM Governors
Casey Antolak and Amanda Benvenuti Julio Reyes and Daniel Desforges Susan Horvath, president/CEO ROM Governors
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? Fausto in black; Prada in red; Prom in yellow Artist Douglas Coupland and managing director ofROM, Ann Webb
Fausto in black; Prada in red; Prom in yellow Artist Douglas Coupland and managing director ofROM, Ann Webb
 ??  ?? Sonia Price and Ksenia Boeva
Sonia Price and Ksenia Boeva
 ??  ?? Cheryl Besner andErica Diamond
Cheryl Besner andErica Diamond
 ??  ?? ShulingYan­g
 ??  ??

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