National Post

P3s inject some discipline

- Barry Critchley Financial Post bcritchley@nationalpo­

Cherian George, managing director of global infrastruc­ture and project finance at Fitch Ratings, has analyzed hundreds of public-private partnershi­ps in his time at the ratings agency.

While each P3 is different, in general George is a supporter of the concept given that P3s developed as the result of there “not [being] enough incentives in government to manage cost and of the need to think long term. The P3 process forces that to happen,” he said in a visit to Canada this week.

In George’s view, government­s face difficulti­es in creating discipline in defining the scope of projects and in executing on those projects. “The advantage of P3s”, he said, “is that it forces the government to have more discipline upfront in defining the nature and scope of the project, particu- larly in figuring out how to pay for it over time. And you then transfer that risk to the private sector.”

George likes the merger between private sector management and public sector discipline — despite the profit motive. “When you look at the gamut of all projects, that marriage may result in benefits to the public. You should be able to generate savings,” he said.

In his analysis, even if the project is developed “at the same cost, it will create more discipline and more certainty to the public. And that’s a good developmen­t,” he said.

Such discipline tends to be lacking in projects that are constructe­d under government ownership.

“There are some projects that do come in on time and under budget. But you don’t tend to hear of them,” he says when he refers to two examples of the opposite outcome: the Big Dig in Boston and the Eastern Span of the San-Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

On those projects, given the complexity of the engineerin­g involved, George said, “it’s difficult to assess the contingenc­y you need to build them. And it’s difficult to transfer that as a P3. There are a lot of unknowns and those risks have to sit with the government. As well, it’s not surprising that these projects cost more.”

George said there tends to be a different response to problems in a P3 and those under government ownership. In his view, the first instinct of those involved in government projects, “is to try and find where the fault is rather than try and solve the problem.” The opposite applies with a P3, he said. “There will still be delays but there will be less delays and arguably less cost overruns.”

For George, P3s can serve as a learning experience for the government, even though less than 10% of all projects are done via P3. “A simple thing is to identify scope, to go through the initial procuremen­t process as if it was a P3. Maybe that would put some quantum of costs associated with the risks and a contingenc­y,” he said, noting that such an approach may produce a more honest “upfront” estimate of the true costs. Given that at least the public procuremen­t model handles 90% of government projects, George argues the benefits from such an approach could be very large.

But George doesn’t support the idea that all government projects should be done via a P3. “There are some risks that can’t be mitigated,” he said.

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