National Post

Ink and paper


Re: Newspapers Must Fight Back, Conrad Black, May 2. As an avid reader of three print dailies in Toronto and several online dailies from the U.K., I couldn’t agree more with Conrad Black’s column in Saturday’s Post. I have read newspapers since I was a kid in the U.K. and nothing beats them in terms of content, analysis, research and interpreta­tion. I don’t always agree with what they write, or their political views, but at least I can read, reflect and refer back to them if necessary.

In my mind, they are the dominant medium, but unfortunat­ely, I don’t think my view is shared by many. Anyone who travels on the transit system or sits in one of the local coffee houses can see for him- self. For most people, it appears the time that could be spent catching up on some worthwhile reading is taken up playing with the latest smartphone app or video game.

And there is an irony to all of this: modern technology may have reduced the readership of the printed medium, but seems to have failed at delivering the paperless office we were all promised.

Laurence D. Lazarus, Toronto.

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