National Post

Invest in electricit­y infrastruc­ture now!

- Sergio Marchi

Sometimes, we need to stop and assess what we take for granted. Electricit­y is one of those things. We barely notice it’s there but it powers our lives at home and at work. And taking it for granted has serious downsides.

June has been designated electricit­y month for the last three years, so what better moment to reflect on “the great enabler” of modern society.

The fact is, we are at an inflection point. The decisions we make today — or fail to make — regarding our electricit­y system will have repercussi­ons for generation­s to come.

That’s because Canada’s electricit­y assets are reaching the end of their life cycle, which can range from 30 years for a utility pole to as much as a century for a power plant. Much of the system built a generation ago now needs to be replaced or refurbishe­d.

Significan­t investment­s are needed just to maintain the reliabilit­y of what we have today. And when it comes to renewing electricit­y infrastruc­ture, the lead times are long — often measured in decades.

Over the past decade, utilities have made investment­s of about $9- to $11-billion per year. However, according to the Conference Board, just to keep the system running will require some $350 billion over the next 20 years, which translates to about $15 billion per year.

I fully appreciate that Canadians also have other expectatio­ns of their utility companies. They want them to be effi- ciently run. They want them to listen to their concerns. And they want them to provide value for money. I have no arguments about these legitimate consumer demands.

Naturally, I also understand that no one likes paying more for their electricit­y. Homeowners don’t like it and neither do businesses. And when you have unhappy consumers, you have a perfect storm for political inaction, or years of relatively flat investment.

But looking ahead, new technologi­es like home battery storage, two-way elec- tricity flows, and electric vehicles will have an enormous impact on the electricit­y industry.

Prudence and forward planning require that we invest now.

And if we don’t? If we simply muddle along, kicking the can farther and farther down the road?

In that case, the consequenc­es are clear — and significan­t. Disruption­s caused by increased brownouts or blackouts could increase.

Especially given the increasing severity of our weather patterns. That means less than reliable electricit­y. A loss in our qual- ity of life. Lost economic opportunit­ies. And a less competitiv­e economy.

This isn’t “chicken little” worrying — it’s clear-eyed analysis. And if we are going to have a constructi­ve and candid dialogue, we must consider all the potential consequenc­es of our actions, or inaction.

In electricit­y, we have something that is indispensa­ble to our modern life, which also contribute­s to a low-carbon future. Eighty per cent of the electricit­y sector is emissions free. It also comes to us at a relatively reasonable cost. For most Canadians, according to Statistics Canada, it amounts to about $3.59 per day — which is under two per cent of household spending. That is less than what American ($4.65 Cdn) and Japanese ($5.04) families pay.

Finally, we should understand our obligation to future generation­s.

Our forefather­s undertook major infrastruc­ture projects in building Canada. Think of the great railroads of the 19th century, or the highway, seaway and national broadcast systems of the 20th. Throughout our history, we have invested in our “todays” to ensure better “tomorrows.”

And each time we did, it was transforma­tive — laying the foundation for economic prosperity for generation­s to come.

Today, I believe we are again at one of those moments. A time to build something important. Something enduring.

Let’s invest today for sustainabl­e, reliable electricit­y tomorrow.

Disruption­s caused by increased brownouts or blackouts could increase

Sergio Marchi is the President and CEO of the Canadian Electricit­y Associatio­n.

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