National Post

medical grads going to ‘waste’

Ranks of unemployed specialist­s swell

- By Tom Blackwell

Zerah Lurie is spending the next year as a highly educated, unpaid volunteer: his medical degree from one of Canada’s most prestigiou­s universiti­es couldn’t get him the training spot he needs to become a family doctor.

Michael Brandt found a residency, but when he finished the five years of instructio­n to qualify as an ear, nose and throat specialist (ENT), he was unable to find a fulltime job. And still hasn’t four years later.

A study he just published suggests those following him have it even worse. A stunning 78 per cent of the ENT specialist­s who graduated last year failed to find a position, with another 30 about to come on the market.

Neither Lurie nor Brandt are unique, though. More Canadian medical-school students are going “unmatched” with a residency, while the ranks of unemployed, intensely skilled specialist­s continues to swell — half a decade after the surprising problem first emerged.

It begs the question: What is wrong with Canada’s medical-education system, and why is so much high-cost talent being squandered — at least temporaril­y — as patients still line up for many services, or go without a family physician?

“It’s a tragedy that here I am, I’m a Canadian medical graduate willing to work, willing to be a doctor, but unable to,” says Lurie. “It sucks both for patients and for myself … The more it sets in, it just feels like a waste.”

Experts agree that the rollercoas­ter ride of falling and then dramatical­ly increasing medical-school enrolment, doctor unemployme­nt and, now, stranded medical graduates stems from a complex array of factors. For Ivy Bourgeault, however, the underlying fault is relatively simple.

What the University of Ottawa professor says is needed sounds like common sense: a national system that analyzes demographi­cs and other data to project future health personnel needs, then adjusts the training pipeline as closely as possible to those projection­s.

Common sense or not, “this does not happen now,” Bourgeault says bluntly. “I am always surprised and perplexed at how little rational planning there is … Pretty much every country has some sort of system like that, other than Canada.”

Instead, individual provinces and universiti­es determine the size of medicalsch­ool classes, the number of residencie­s, and how the training positions are divided between specialtie­s — with seemingly haphazard attention to society’s needs.

Worried that there was a costly surplus of doctors, all provinces decided in the early 1990s to cut medical-school enrolment by 10 per cent.

Concern about a perceived shortage of physicians soon took over, though, prompting a dramatic increase in admissions in the 2000s. By 2012, enrolment had almost doubled, with a parallel in- crease in the number of residency positions.

The country was also admitting more internatio­nal medical graduates, including Canadians who earned degrees overseas; even now, about 3,500 of those Canadaborn medical students are studying abroad, most hoping to come back here.

Yet as the growing tide of new doctors entered a system that seemed to need their services, at least one crucial piece of the puzzle was missing.

Surgeons and some other physicians require additional resources — from operating rooms to anesthetis­ts and nurses — to treat patients, so they rely on obtaining appointmen­ts from hospitals or health regions. But hospitals struggling with restricted governing funding often could not afford to hire any more of the specialist­s, after taxpayers had invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in their decade-long education.

The tightening job market has been compounded by a growing number of older physicians delaying retirement, and clinging to their operating room privileges.

When Brandt graduated in 2010 from Western University as an otolaryngo­logist, he says, he and his wife were willing to go anywhere in the country for work.

But he couldn’t find a position, and instead did a year of sub-specialty training in the U.S. Despite learning reconstruc­tive facial plastic surgery from the physician who literally wrote the textbook, as well as having published 30 medical-research papers himself and won various awards, the 37-year-old returned to face six months of unemployme­nt.

By now, Brandt’s family had settled in Toronto, restrictin­g his options further. He has cobbled together various locums, filling in for absent colleagues, but has still not found that coveted full-time appointmen­t.

Meanwhile, with $350,000 in student debt, he came within weeks of having to declare personal bankruptcy.

“It becomes all-consuming and very hopeless to some extent,” he says of the experi- ence. “It’s depressing, it’s challengin­g, it’s very difficult to get up every day and not be able to work … You want to look after people.”

And it seems more ENT doctors are needed. Patients in the Toronto area can wait a year to have benign thyroid nodules removed, and up to two years for some sinus surgery, he says.

Brandt’s problems are shockingly common. About 16 per cent of specialist­s graduating in 2011 and 2012 failed to find work, concluded a report by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons, which certifies specialist­s.

A “whopping” 178 fully trained orthopedic surgeons in Canada are currently un-

It’s depressing, it’s challengin­g …. You want to look after people

employed, says the Canadian Orthopedic Associatio­n. Meanwhile, wait times in the field are hardly insignific­ant. More than 80 per cent of patients get hip replacemen­ts within the target time period, but that is six months after first seeing a specialist.

Unemployme­nt is not the only consequenc­e of the poorly co-ordinated system. A Canadian Medical Associatio­n survey in 2012 found there were just one-quarter of the geriatrici­ans graduating as needed, and fewer psychiatri­sts, dermatolog­ists and emergency doctors than required.

Adding another complicati­on, a mounting number of graduates of Canadian medical schools — 55 in 2014 — are not obtaining residencie­s, as universiti­es come under increasing pressure to accommodat­e those internatio­nal graduates, both Canadian and foreign.

That is Lurie’s predicamen­t. Family considerat­ions — his wife and child live in Toronto — restricted his residency choices, but he still applied to every program from Oshawa, Ont., to Toronto and Hamilton, and came up empty in both rounds of last year’s “matching” process.

That was despite a push to get more medical students to enter family medicine — for good reason. Statistics Canada estimates 4.6 million people still lacked a primary-care physician in 2013.

So Lurie, 37, is volunteeri­ng at family-medicine clinics, without compensati­on, until he can apply again in a year.

Bourgeault, head of the Canadian Health Human Resource Network, says the best way to avoid such costly pitfalls in the future is to emulate permanent agencies in other countries that use science to project the need for not just doctors, but all the other health-care profession­als, too.

Geneviève Moineau, chief executive of the Associatio­n of Faculties of Medicine of Canada, is not sure the answer is “yet another” costly national health agency that could well be ignored. She co-chairs a federal-provincial task force on doctor resources that she says has buy-in from all the key players, and is developing an effective planning tool.

The goal is “some fine-tuning,” she says and “not to have drastic changes such as happened in the past.”

Meanwhile, doctors like Lurie and Brandt must wait and hope that — sometime soon — today’s system finds room for them and their skills.

After decades of chaotic planning, says Bourgeault, “these lives, these people are the collateral damage.”

 ?? Tyler Anderson / National Post ?? Dr. Zerah Lurie is volunteeri­ng at family-medicine clinics, without compensati­on,
until he can apply for a residency again in a year.
Tyler Anderson / National Post Dr. Zerah Lurie is volunteeri­ng at family-medicine clinics, without compensati­on, until he can apply for a residency again in a year.

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