National Post

Greeks offer another lesson in democracy

- Eleni Panagiotar­akou Eleni Panagiotar­akou is a lecturer in the Department of Political Science and the Department of Philosophy at Concordia University.

It’s a well-known fact that democracy (rule of the people) was born in ancient Athens. A less-wellknown fact is that democracy was conceived in a politicall­y volatile environmen­t, the result of debt slavery.

Aristotle tells us that the majority of agricultur­al land in Archaic Attica was in the hands of a few rich people. If poor farmers were unable to pay rent or repay loans, they were enslaved alongside with their children. While their enslavemen­t was legal — the peasants offered themselves and family as collateral — it was nonetheles­s unjust and detrimenta­l to civic unity. In the face of rising political tensions, the Athenians turned for help to Solon, a poet renowned for his wisdom. In his role as a legislator, one of Solon’s first reforms was the cancellati­on of debts and the emancipati­on and repatriati­on of enslaved debtors. These reforms came to be known as the Seisachthe­ia (“The Relief ” or “Shaking of Burdens”). Solon also made constituti­onal reforms, which made it possible for non-aristocrat­s to take part in political life.

Many decades later, Isagoras, an Athenian aristocrat sought to restore Athens to its pre-Solonian aristocrat­ic state. This did not sit too well with the common Athenians who promptly overthrew Isagoras in an armed rebellion, despite his supporters, a large Spartan garrison. When Cleisthene­s, another Athenian aristocrat, was called to rule, he knew that he had to “reward” the common people. He enacted further constituti­onal reforms, which increased the political voice of the hoi polloi (the many). This included a voting system: a black pebble for “no” and a white pebble for “yes.” In other words, direct democracy.

Similar to Cleisthene­s (the father of democracy), Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras knows that he owes a debt to the populace who elected him to power. Tsipras will pay that debt on Sunday, July 5. This is the day when the bailout referendum will take place. On that day, as Yanis Varoufakis, the current Greek finance minister tweeted, the people will decide. By so doing, the government of Alexis Tsipras will be re-enacting the proto-democracy of classical Athens.

Those who would argue that Tsipras and his government are forfeiting their political responsibi­lities by deferring decision-making back to the electorate (i.e., the people voted them into office so they could make decisions on their behalf ) fail to comprehend the difference between representa­tive and direct democracy. Representa­tional democracy is a second-rate alternativ­e to direct democracy — like holding a candle to the sun.

Moreover, the leadership of Syriza, which holds the most seats in Parliament, understand­s that while they were voted in on a platform of debt relief, they were also voted in on a platform of staying in the eurozone. This, as the recent failed negotiatio­ns make clear, might not be possible. The so-called Troika (European Commission, European Central Bank and the Internatio­nal Monetary Fund) are strongly suggesting that unless the Greek government agrees to their bailout proposals, Greece will have to exit the eurozone. Indeed, Jean-Claude Juncker, the president of the Euro- pean Union, stated on June 29 that a vote of No would amount to a rejection of Europe.

Considerin­g the fact that Syriza was not elected with a majority vote, Tsipras needs the mandate of the people to proceed. Anything less would violate democratic principles.

The above brings us to the puzzling question as to why a supposedly democratic Europe fears the upcoming democratic referendum. An immediate, if somewhat cynical, response is that the Troika is seeking to protect the financial interests of German, American and British banks, which are exposed to the tune of $13.2 billion and $12 billion respective­ly.

Under this interpreta­tion, the Troika cares for Greece in the same way a shepherd cares for his sheep in Thrasymach­us’s understand­ing of rulers in Plato’s Republic. He feeds them, offers them shelter and protects them from wolves because he enjoys having lamb chops for dinner.

When one considers projection­s of high, persistent unemployme­nt rates in Greece, in combinatio­n with reports that the majority of recent loans to Greece have gone to pay privatesec­tor creditors, including German and French banks, one begins to suspect that there might be some truth in Thrasymach­us’s interpreta­tion of political rule.

An increasing number of Greeks are articulati­ng the impact of austerity measures on their lives using words like “morality” and “basic human dignity.” This is suggesting a narrative of debt slavery reminiscen­t to that of 6th-century Athens. However, unlike Solon, who cancelled the people’s debts to maintain Athenian civic unity, the Troika appears unwilling to do the same for the sake of European unity.

By putting Greece’s future to a vote, the government of Alexis Tsipras will be re-enacting the proto-democracy of classical Athens

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