National Post

Hone your storytelli­ng and start selling more

- Rick Spence Growth Curve Rick Spence is a writer, consultant and speaker specializi­ng in entreprene­urship. His column appears weekly in the Financial Post. He can be reached at

The good news is people want to buy from you, according to Torontobas­ed sales coach Peri Shawn.

Shawn divides prospects into four categories: browsers, window-shoppers, “On a Mission” (to find the right solution), and “Done Deals.” When you’re selling business-to-business, says Shawn, most prospects — especially those who call you — tend to fit between the third and fourth groups, which means they’re ready to buy, as long as you know how to ask the right questions and tell the right stories.

Selling isn’t about convincing, she says: “Selling is helping other people with their buying decisions.”

At a recent TEC Canada workshop, Shawn shared advice for understand­ing clients better, knowing what they want, and making them want to work with you.

To start, how do you know what stage your prospects are at? Ask questions, Shawn says. When a prospect contacts you, you might ask, “What criteria led you to call me?”

Keep probing until you understand where they’re at. If they saw you on LinkedIn, ask, “What was it about my profile that caused you to reach out?” If it’s a referral, ask, “What did that person say that piqued your interest?” Sales start in the client’s brain.

To help a prospect buy, understand the role emotion plays. “People buy on emotion, and justify with logic,” Shawn says. “When people are positively engaged [with you or your product], the more win-win they are willing to negotiate.”

To find out how much emotion the prospect has invested in your solution, you have to ask questions that appeal to both emotion and reason. Emotion-related questions might include: Who’s affected by this issue you’re trying to solve? How has it impacted you? What kind of effect is it having on your team, department, company, and/or customers?

Some examples of more logic-oriented questions are: How has this problem affected the bottom line? What increase would you like to see in results? How has this been an issue in the past? (This question helps you understand how the prospect has tried to solve the problem, allowing you to focus on new solutions.) Ask revealing follow-ups such as “What part of that solution worked and what didn’t work so well?”

Chances are, your selling brain is now overflowin­g with solutions and advice. But before you start babbling, ask the client what he or she would like to hear. You might say, “We could talk about my product, or I could tell you about my background, or we could discuss how I helped another client with a similar problem. Which would you prefer?”

Now, says Shawn, the client has given you permission to unleash your greatest weapon: a true client story. Relevant success stories can reassure prospects you know what you’re doing. “Stories … acti- vate both the emotional and logical centres of the brain.”

And there is another benefit — great stories make your pitch memorable.

Prospects will little note nor remember your technical features or percentage improvemen­ts, but they will recall how you helped that preserves company out of a jam. As a result, they will be better able to sell your solution to their bosses — and recommend your services to other companies.

Now we get to the corny

part of Shawn’s pitch (or maybe it’s a clever memorabili­ty tactic). She suggests each story consist of just four sentences, and she’s created the PERI Formula to help you know what to say.

Problem our story starts with the problem your prospect came to you with (particular­ly the emotional aspects of the issue);

Expertise Next, e x pl ai n how you helped a previous client with a similar problem (include the research you’ve done and the training you’ve had);

Results Describe how that client benefited from your solution, including real numbers where possible (e.g., how much their sales grew, or the percentage by which they reduced employee turnover);

In their words Quote what your satisfied client says about your work, or the experience of working with you. Shawn cited a note she received after helping an executive learn to get more done in less time; his wife wrote to say, “Thank you for giving me my husband back.”

Stories, she says, “are the missing sales link” between a prospect’s problem and their buying decision, and between logic and emotion.

Telling better stories may require you to go back to clients to capture specific success metrics, as well as their words. Don’t be afraid to ask again (“What else might you say about our work?”) if they don’t utter a catchy phrase the first time; most people aren’t accustomed to talking like movie critics, and need time to warm up.

Shawn suggests developing a minimum of four sales stories, so you can best address different issues, product categories or client objections.

To me, the best part of her advice is the need to go back to previous clients in order to write the proper endings to your stories. If you’re as good as you think you are, clients will be happy to discuss this with you.

Stories activate both the emotional and logical centres of the brain

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