National Post

Campaign expected to start Sunday

- By Andy Blatchford

• The Conservati­ves are anxiously hoping to sign off on a massive free-trade deal before kicking off an election campaign expected to start as early as Sunday.

The government is at the negotiatin­g table in Hawaii, where Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p (TPP) talks are reportedly in their final stages. With voting day set for Oct. 19, the governing Tories want to launch the campaign with the deal in hand — an agreement they could brandish as evidence of their economic stewardshi­p.

CBC reported Wednesday Prime Minister Stephen Harper will ask Gov. Gen. David Johnston on Sunday or Monday to dissolve Parliament. The Tories have a major rally planned for Montreal on Sunday night, the CBC reported.

That would begin an 11-week election campaign — the longest in Canadian history. The Tories are widely seen as having the upper hand in a long campaign, because they have by far the most cash. Changes to election law last year allow parties to increase their spending by $675,000 per day beyond the $25-million maximum, each day that the campaign exceeds the 37-day legal minimum.

The TPP, a pact between 12 countries including Canada, the U.S., Mexico and Japan, is to become the biggest trade deal in history. The countries involved represent some 800 million people with a combined gross domestic product of roughly 40 per cent of the world’s economy.

Just as a deal could be a boon to Conservati­ve campaign fortunes, however, a delay could cause them headaches. If talks stretch past the start of the campaign, experts say they could prove politicall­y delicate.

In particular, Canada is under pressure from other countries to lower the high tariffs that currently protect domestic producers of eggs, milk, cheese and poultry from foreign competitio­n under supply management.

In an interview Wednesday with Bloomberg, Harper insisted the government will defend the interests of every Canadian industry “as best we can.” He also said the negotiatio­ns were “well advanced” and that Canada “cannot be left out of this kind of trade arrangemen­t.”

If Trans-Pacific Partnershi­p talks do spill into the campaign window, officially known as the writ period, thorny polit- ical issues would become that much more sensitive, said Ottawa trade consultant Adam Taylor.

“I don’t think Canada will walk away from the TPP table to save its furniture and bacon on the election hustings,” said Taylor, a former senior adviser to Trade Minister Ed Fast and now a director at a firm called Ensight.

Once the campaign begins, the government will shift into caretaking mode. That would allow it to continue negotiatio­ns, but likely prevent it from binding a future government or signing a new internatio­nal commitment, said a former high-ranking civil servant who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Robert Wolfe, a Queen’s University professor and former government trade negotiator,

Most of them are of the view that they’d better wrap stuff up

said representa­tives from the other countries at the bargaining table are aware of Canada’s election schedule.

“So, most of them are of the view that they’d better wrap stuff up this week because after that they may simply not be able to get a decision out of Canada,” said Wolfe.

Meanwhile, Harper also said U.S. delays in approving the Keystone XL pipeline to move Alberta oil to the Gulf of Mare are “not a hopeful sign” and reflect the “peculiar politics” of the Obama administra­tion.

Later Wednesday, a White House spokesman said a decision will be made on the pipeline while President Barack Obama is still in office .

Eric Schultz wouldn’t confirm or deny comments by a Republican lawmaker that he’d heard from his sources that the Canada-U.S. pipeline will be rejected in an announceme­nt next month.

 ?? Pat rick Doyle / Bloomb
erg News ?? Stephen Harper
Pat rick Doyle / Bloomb erg News Stephen Harper

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