National Post


While it might not inspire another generation of bad Russian impression­s, The Man from UNCLE gives us an unlikely pair: stylish action and summer laughs


If you wanted to start drilling into why, exactly, Hollywood has decided to reboot a wellliked but not exactly monumental TV show that was a product of the ‘ 60s spy craze, I don’t know that you could find much beyond the fact that ‘60s fashion is still universall­y chic, and there’s no shortage of lantern-jawed men and waifish women kicking around to fill it all out. It’s possible, maybe, they were hoping for the kind of name recognitio­n that comes with 30ish years of my father doing Borscht-y Russian impression­s and explaining that Ilya Kuryakin is not a Detroit Red Wings draft pick before realizing that he’ll never be young again, but I’m not sure my dad has quite the broad demographi­c appeal they’re pinning on him. No matter, I guess: sexiness and fading nostalgia have powered far worse things than a bubbly, refreshing late-summer spy comedy.

For the benefit of those of you who have not been on a station wagon road trip with Papa Berry, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. is a Cold War spritzer that has the two warring superpower­s lifting the Iron Curtain for a combined spy mission. Here, they come together to stop a rogue group of ex- and neo-Nazis from detonating an atom bomb, because if you’re going to go back to the ‘ 60s for the suits, you better go back for the plots, too. Not that much of anything that’s briskly explained here happens for any reason than to put hot bodies in pretty locations and watch them do cool stuff.

We meet our American, Napoleon Solo (Henry Cavill, who looks like a fairy godmother granted the wish of a Greek statue) as he is slipping into East Berlin to recruit Gaby (Alicia Vikander, who just looks like a fairy), because she’s German and has ties to these dastardly Nazis. Hot on his trail is the hulking Kuryakin (Armie Hammer, a 40oz steak with perfect hair), who in the course of a bang-bang car-and-foot chase manages to rip the trunk off a sports coupe, prompting Solo to speak admiringly to his superiors: “You should have seen it run.”

This dry détente continues once they’re actually teamed up and been briefed on the Nazi menace. Solo, a soldier-turned-thief-turned-spy, is the suave sex machine of the two, and Cavill has him speak with a sort of cheeky cousin to the classic American flatfoot cadence (picture Joe Friday trying to get laid, since we’re talking old television) that gives the endless parade of double entendres and sniping banter a springboar­d. Hammer is better, even speaking in full Boris: his bulging stoicism makes his winking brags about Soviet superiorit­y all the more unexpected, and he pulls off the film’s funniest scene just by standing around looking annoyed while Vikander tries to prod him into finally having a little fun. Speaking of which, U.N.C.L.E. is actually quite spry about its women, giving Gaby some reserves of pluck and an airily off-kilter comic turn from Vikander, and finding an impressive set of fangs on chief baddy Victoria (Elizabeth Debicki), a fascist Italian heiress who slinks about like a wolf in mod clothing.

That’s all part of a habit the film has of background­ing the usual spy fare for something a bit more fun: there are quite a few shots here where we watch one of the spies either react to or ignore the far more daring thing the other spy is doing, from the pair arguing about what to do with an informant as he slowly catches fire in the background, to Solo’s picnic lunch while Kuryakin attempts to escape a gunboat with a speedboat. It’s a reliable comic device, and it lends the appropriat­e air of flippant nonchalanc­e to an obviously silly little set-up.

There’s not much to U.N.C.L.E. beyond this sort of amoral bonhomie, but it at least has the sense to make its derring-do thoroughly enjoyable, and relentless­ly handsome. I doubt it will inspire another 30 years of bad Russian impression­s, but it won’t inspire any dread of the sequel it so obviously sets up, either. Fun is a fine reason when it’s done this well.

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