National Post

Let’s see if someone can make clothes

Why does gender neutral clothing just mean ‘boys’ clothes for girls?

- By Audra Williams

for boys who like flowers, pastels or sparkly things, too. Because if we’re going to escape the tyranny of all-gendered-everything, we need to start with letting kids choose clothes from whatever section of the store they want.

— Audra Williams,

When I was working as an ASL interprete­r in a high school in rural Nova Scotia, the English teacher announced one day that the class was going to read The Outsiders.

The kids groaned as he handed out the battered paperbacks. Having found the book dated when I read it in my own Grade 10 English class years earlier, I sympathize­d with their reactions. But the teacher was determined to secure everyone’s enthusiasm for the plight of the Greasers.

“When S.E. Hinton wrote this book,” he informed us brightly “He was only 16 years old.”

It seemed bizarre that someone who had likely been teaching this book as long as I’d been alive would get such a major fact wrong, so I stayed after class to clarify.

“Um, I’m pretty sure S.E. Hinton is a woman?” I hated that a question had snuck into what I had meant to be a declarativ­e statement.

“Oh I know!” he chuckled. “But the boys won’t want to read it if they know it was written by a girl.”

His perspectiv­e was clear. Girl stories were for girls. Boy stories were for everyone.

I felt like a similar thing was happening when I saw a trailer for the new clothing line Ellen DeGeneres designed for Gap Kids. According to The Gap, this line is “more than just a clothing collection. It is a social movement meant to empower young girls to be their own heroes.”

To be clear, I loved this video the first time I watched it. Le Tigre’s “Deceptacon” blares in the background, and adorable little girls play drums and breakdance and ride skateboard­s and solve math equations. It made me want to high five the entire planet. Never mind that most little girls would much prefer Katy Perry’s “Roar” to a riot grrrl anthem that came out before they were born. The ad was exactly as if someone had plucked a depiction of “empowering little girls” from my brain.

I wasn’t the only one who felt this way. YouTube commenters (likely fellow Third Wave Feminists) celebrated the “girl power” of the video. Headlines gushed that Degeneres was “Ripping Apart Stereotype­s” and “Blowing Away Gender Roles.”

But let’s just calm down for a moment, take a step back, and pull apart those claims. Is it really that revolution­ary for girls to wear pants and muted colours, no matter what the soundtrack? Why does “gender neutral” have to mean “without any traditiona­lly feminine signifiers”?

Because girl clothes are for girls. Boy clothes are for everyone.

I don’t want to downplay the merits of this clothing line, or the importance of advocating for little girls who were so stoked to take their Spider-Man backpacks to school this week, only to come home in tears because “Spider-Man is for boys.” Not every girl feels like herself when wearing ruffled dresses or head-to-toe pink and purple, and I’m really glad those girls have some other fun choices now. Like graphic tees with quotes like “And though she be but little, she is fierce” (from every little girl’s favourite writer, William Shakespear­e).

But the same gender-role-wiggleroom is not available to their brothers. Where is Adam Lambert’s line for Gap Kids, promoted with an upbeat commercial of young boys playing with dolls and doing ballet while wearing shiny sparkly glam clothes and lipgloss while Diamond Rings serenades us all?

If The Gap did this, I think everybody would have what my late Nan would call “a complete connip- tion fit.” Remember when J. Crew President Jenna Lyons appeared in a picture tickling her delighted son’s toes, whose nails she had just painted pink? It sparked a week’s worth of debates that saw actual doctors calling it “a dramatic example of the way that our culture is being encouraged to abandon all trappings of gender identity.” as if anything described as a “trapping” should not obviously be abandoned immediatel­y.

If gender neutral clothes are only made for and marketed to the parents of little girls, it is less a sign of gender equality and more an indication of the misogyny that is so ambient in our culture. There is such a devaluing of anything traditiona­lly feminine that we’d rather chuck it out triumphant­ly than ever demean our boys with it.

Things weren’t always like this. In Pink and Blue: Telling the Girls From the Boys in America, historian Jo B. Paoletti reports that just over 100 years ago, boys and girls alike were put in white dresses until they were about six, because they could be easily bleached clean. Once gendered clothes became the trend, initially pink was for boys and blue was for girls, before things switched over to how they are now. But even this colour scheme wasn’t rigidly enforced until ultrasound­s in the ’ 80s would tell parents the sex of their fetus, allowing them to prepare for the birth with “boy things” and “girl things,” as if babies care at all.

As long as “feminine” is treated as a synonym for “weak,” girls are going to continue to be underestim­ated and boys are going to continue to be bullied when they step out of the gender box they’ve been put in.

Let’s have a moment of appreciati­on for 16-year-old Jaden Smith, who Instagramm­ed a picture of himself in a great tunic a few months ago, with the completely sensible caption “Went To TopShop To Buy Some Girl Clothes, I Mean “Clothes.” He’s right. They’re all just clothes. So let’s see if someone can make some clothes for boys who like flowers, pastels, cute animals, or sparkly things, too. Because if we’re going to escape the tyranny of all-gendered-everything (special lip balm for men? are you kidding me?), we need to start with letting kids choose clothes from whatever — arbitraril­y divided — section of the clothing store they want. All kids, not just the girls.

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