National Post

A house is something you earn


What business is it of the government whether you rent or own a home? The question arises in response to Conservati­ve Leader Stephen Harper’s just-announced plan to increase the number of Canadian homeowners by nearly three quarters of a million within five years.

It is, of course, transparen­tly political. The Conservati­ve leader set this target, and reannounce­d a series of tax breaks (which now include a $5,000 First-Time Homebuyer’s Tax Credit, a $35,000 Home Buyers’ Plan RRSP withdrawal limit, and energy efficiency and accessibil­ity renovation credits) on a constructi­on site surrounded by happy employed people in hard hats and safety vests. And the handouts are tailored to aspiring suburbanit­es who matter in swing ridings.

Still, just because a thing is popular doesn’t mean it isn’t the right thing to do. Alas, it isn’t the right thing to do. It’s social engineerin­g on the cheap.

By itself, his figure of 700,000 new homeowners and a home ownership rate of 72.5 per cent is an aspiration not a policy. But arbitrary objectives often conjure bad policy. If cutting taxes, simplifyin­g regulation­s and leaving Canadians to create wealth led to increased home ownership, all to the good. That is miles away from flooding the market with a raft of distortion­ary interventi­ons in order to hit a politicall­y mandated target.

Harper called home ownership “one of the most unmistakab­le marks of economic success.” And indeed it can be, if it results from free choice in competitiv­e markets that allocate resources efficientl­y. But when government­s start distorting incentives, you get Potemkin prosperity, with higher-cost options becoming deceptivel­y cheap to the actual buyer at the expense of everyone else. Favouring buyers hurts renters, who are often poorer. And it risks artificial­ly inflating house prices — which hardly helps, if the goal is increased home ownership.

“More than anything,” Harper went on, buying a home is “a statement of optimism, a sign of commitment to your community, of faith in your country, of hope for our future.” Well yes — but as a personal decision, not a political gesture. The distinctio­n, however obscure it may be to most politician­s, matters a great deal. A society in which people earn, save, start families and proudly give them a home from the sweat of their own brows is indeed economical­ly successful, optimistic and well-grounded. A society that gives people subsidized houses to hit made-up planning targets is not.

How does Harper know 72.5 per cent is a good number? And what makes him think getting there via state handouts is just as beneficial as getting there through individual initiative? Like the other parties, the Tories appear to have absorbed a mechanisti­c vision of society in which “social infrastruc­ture” like children playing sports is as much a function of government as national defence and to be funded in the same way.

But in such a vision, there is little room for individual choice, personal responsibi­lity or the private sector: everything becomes a jury-rigged mess of subsidies and penalties to manipulate people into acting the way the planners theorize human units would interact in a truly harmonious and smoothly functionin­g society.

It is not a vision Harper would have embraced in his heady, ideologica­l, economical­ly literate youth, when government housing targets were socialist, state subsidies undermined prosperity and initiative, and politicall­y motivated handouts put cheap politics ahead of the public good. We commend this promising young man to his elder self.

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