National Post

Saudis cut ties with Iran, which warns of ‘divine revenge’ after cleric’s execution


Saudi Arabia announced Sunday it was severing diplomatic relations with Shiite powerhouse Iran amid escalating tensions over the Sunni kingdom’s execution of a prominent Shiite cleric.

The move came hours after protesters stormed and set fire to the Saudi Embassy in Tehran and followed harsh criticism by Iran’s top leader of the Saudis’ execution of Sheikh Nimr al-Nimr.

Saudi Foreign Minister Adel alJubeir said Iranian diplomatic personnel had 48 hours to leave his country and all Saudi diplomatic personnel in Iran had been called home.

The mass execution of al-Nimr and 46 others — the largest carried out by Saudi Arabia in three and a half decades — laid bare the sectarian divisions gripping the region as demonstrat­ors took to the streets from Bahrain to Pakistan in protest.

It also illustrate­d the kingdom’s new aggressive­ness under King Salman. During his reign, Saudi Arabia has led a coalition fighting Shiite rebels in Yemen and staunchly opposed regional Shiite power Iran, even as Tehran struck a nuclear deal with world powers.

Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned Saudi Arabia on Sunday of “divine revenge” over al- Nimr’s death, while Riyadh accused Tehran of supporting “terrorism” in a war of words that threatened to escalate even as the U. S. and the European Union sought to calm the region.

Al-Nimr was a central figure in Arab Spring-inspired protests by Saudi Arabia’s Shiite minority until his arrest in 2012. He was convicted of terrorism charges but denied advocating violence.

On Saturday, Saudi Arabia put al- Nimr and three other Shiite dissidents to death, along with a number of al- Qaida militants. AlNimr’s execution drew protests from Shiites around the world, who backed his call for reform and wider political freedom for their sect.

While the split between Sunnis and Shiites dates back to the early days of Islam and disagreeme­nts over the successor to Prophet Muhammad, those divisions have only grown as they intertwine with regional politics, with both Iran and Saudi Arabia vying to be the Mideast’s top power.

Iran accuses Saudi Arabia of supporting terrorism in part because it backs Syrian rebel groups fighting to oust its embattled ally, President Bashar Assad. Riyadh points to Iran’s backing of the Lebanese Hezbollah and other Shiite militant groups in the region as a sign of its support for terrorism. Iran also has backed Shiite rebels in Yemen known as Houthis.

Khamenei, the Iranian supreme leader, condemned al- Nimr’s execution, saying Sunday the cleric “neither invited people to take up arms nor hatched covert plots. The only thing he did was public criticism.”

Iran’s powerful Revolution­ary Guard said Saudi Arabia’s “medieval act of savagery” would lead to the “downfall” of the country’s monarchy.

Saudi Arabia’s Foreign Ministry said that by condemning the execution, Iran had “revealed its true face represente­d in support for terrorism.”

In Tehran, a protest outside the Saudi Embassy early Sunday quickly grew violent as protesters threw stones and gasoline bombs at the embassy, setting part of the building ablaze.

Forty people were arrested and i nvestigato­rs were pursuing other suspects, according to the semioffici­al ISNA news agency.

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani condemned Saudi Arabia’s execution of alNimr, but also branded those who attacked the Saudi Embassy as “extremists.”

“It is unjustifia­ble,” he said in a statement.

Hundreds of protesters later demonstrat­ed in front of the embassy and in a central Tehran square, where street signs near the embassy were replaced with ones bearing the slain sheikh’s name.

Western powers sought to calm the tensions.

In Washington, State Department spokesman John Kirby said the Obama administra­tion was aware of the Saudis’ severing of ties with Tehran.

“We believe that diplomatic engagement and direct conversati­ons remain essential in working through difference­s and we will continue to urge leaders across the region to take affirmativ­e steps to calm tensions,” Kirby said.

The disruption in relations between Saudi Arabia and Iran may have implicatio­ns for peace efforts in Syria. U. S. Secretary of State John Kerry and others spent significan­t time trying to bring the countries to the negotiatin­g table and they both sat together at talks aimed at finding a diplomatic solution to the civil war.

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