National Post

Government isn’t the solution


Re: If Government Can’t Even Build Bridges, editorial, Jan. 13. In 2005, Alberta experience­d massive flooding resulting in millions of dollars in property damage. Of course, the government did a study and in 2008, it tabled a number of recommenda­tions to mitigate damage from future floods. In 2013, Southern Alberta was again hit with heavy rains, but because the government failed to implement the 2008 recommenda­tions, Albertans were hammered again.

Then, the day after the flood, the RCMP went on a police raid in High River, allegedly kicking in the doors of hundreds of homes, ostensibly looking for trapped citizens. What actually happened was that they ended up confiscati­ng citizens’ private property. In short, the government abjectly failed to do what it is entrusted to do.

How any thinking person can believe that more government is the solution to any of our problems is beyond me.

Dave W. Reesor, Calgary.

That old saying seems to be as relevant today as ever: if you don’t remember your history, you’re bound to repeat it. The Titanic was done in by ice and questionab­le metal. The Challenger was done in by ice and questionab­le O- rings, which became brittle in the cold. And now the Nipigon River Bridge has buckled due to cold temperatur­es and questionab­le or flawed materials.

Well, what have we learned? Sea captains, NASA administra­tors and provincial bosses, blinded by hubris, with no real appreciati­on of the fact that there is no eraser on the end of a scalpel. Douglas L. Martin, Hamilton, Ont.

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