National Post

Selinger overstayed his welcome


Manitoba’s New Democrats are seeking re- election in April for a fifth consecutiv­e mandate at a time when Premier Greg Selinger ranks in polls as Canada’s least popular premier. While Premier Brad Wall in next- door Saskatchew­an continues to boast an approval rating north of 60 per cent, fewer than one in five Manitobans is impressed with Selinger’s record of fiscal indiscipli­ne, party infighting, bad management and broken promises.

The Manitoba government’s standing with voters is so tepid that Selinger launched the party’s campaign this week with a televised ad acknowledg­ing its failures. “It’s been a tough year and we haven’t always gotten it right, but I always make decisions with your best interests in mind,” he declared. Selinger may hope his admission will be interprete­d as a sign of humility, unless you consider that genuine humility would mean not seeking re-election.

No government gets everything right. None admits making decisions except on the basis of what it thinks is in the best interest of citizens. Even those that engage in chicanery justify it to themselves on the theory that their adversarie­s’ policies would be so damaging that underhande­d tactics are admissible for the greater good of retaining power. No government is willing to accept that when you’ve made a sufficient mess of things, you should apologize and leave.

Greg Selinger has turned in just such a record, reaching a nadir when he increased the provincial sales tax to eight per cent from seven per cent in 2013, after campaignin­g on a promise not to. He also failed to deliver on pledges to balance the budget, and ensure every Manitoban had access to a family doctor by 2015. The Selinger government has run deficits every year of its mandate, twice delaying pledges to balance the budget, despite the increased sales tax and a higher fuel tax. He is now holding out the possibilit­y of a “wealth tax” on the better-off.

Public reaction to the sales tax hike was so hostile it sparked a cabinet revolt against Selinger’s leadership. Five ministers resigned, forcing the premier into a humiliatin­g contest to hold onto his job against a challenge by his former health minister, which he survived by a white-knuckle 51 per cent of the vote, suggesting party members were unenthused by the premier, but even less impressed by his challenger. Three of the five rebel ministers are not seeking re- election.

Clearly the NDP is not prepared to throw in the towel. It has to run. But Selinger doesn’t. Elections in other provinces — B.C. and Ontario come to mind — demonstrat­e that a tired party can revive its fortunes with new leadership, even after extended periods in power. Such notions obviously hold no weight with Manitoba’s premier, who deems himself so essential that he fought a civil war against his own cabinet to remain the boss.

Having served as finance minister under previous premier Gary Doer, Selinger is the author of many of his worst problems. Without him at its head, the NDP might marshal a reasonable argument for continued support. The latest Fraser Institute study of the fiscal performanc­e of Canada’s premiers put Manitoba in the middle of the pack, fifth out of 10 in spending control, third out of 10 in taxation policy (low numbers are good here), sixth on debt and deficits, and fifth overall. His government has “invested” in health, education and daycare, though with mixed results.

Advance polls f or t he April election show the NDP running a distant third behind the Conservati­ves and Liberals. It is too late for Selinger to do the right thing and hand over gracefully to new blood within the party. Nothing in politics is ever certain, and Selinger exceeded expectatio­ns with his 2011 victory. If he fails to do so again, his party should have no difficulty knowing who to blame.


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