National Post


In his new series Cooked, Michael Pollan says making our own food is the only way to connect to what we eat as human beings

- Rebecca Tucker

The first time I made salad, I needed help. Nineteen years old and freshly moved into my first real apartment, I was in the process of preparing dinner for a friend when I realized I had no idea how to dress a bowl of lettuce. I’d seen it done a thousand times growing up — my mother, aunt or grandmothe­r tossing bitter greens from the garden with oil, vinegar, salt and pepper — but, despite having what I needed, I didn’t know how to use it. I called my aunt and, over the course of the next half hour, fact-checked everything I had going on: the water for pasta was salted, the sauce — made from scratch and frozen into single-serving portions by my grandmothe­r, thus saving me from, really, doing any cooking at all — already thawed, the lettuce torn with my hands to prevent premature browning. As for the vinaigrett­e, the trick was (and is) to add as much as I needed for the amount of lettuce I had.

My aunt would later tell me that that phone call compelled her to rethink cooking, an activity towards which she had always harboured a secret resentment. She thought of it as woman’s work, a household task that, while she carried it out with skill and frequency, she viewed as an obligation rather than a joy. But if her niece, a teenager, was doing it for someone else by choice, there must be something more to it.

Cooking carries a lot of baggage. There are gendered implicatio­ns, yes, and also the notions that it takes too much time, costs too much money, and offers too little payoff. Cooking food is proletaria­n, and so buying it pre-made or in restaurant­s suggests an elevated class and economic status. And for many, the argument — combining elements of all of the above — is that it’s simply unnecessar­y: Why take the time to prepare something for yourself when you can so readily pay someone — or some company — to do it for you?

In the new Netflix series Cooked, Michael Pollan makes the case that the act of cooking is more than necessary — rather, it is the very foundation of what makes us human.

It’s a compelling case, and to get there, Pollan doesn’t play hardball — he rarely does. He has had such vast influence over how we perceive food over the course of his career — whether in his revolution­ary books The Omnivore’s Dilemma and The Botany of Desire or through his work as a journalist — through a strict avoidance of the type of browbeatin­g that turns people away from culinary ideologues. Cooked, in other words, isn’t Food Inc, but rather, it adopts a similar approach to Pollan’s previous work: using a compelling mix of science, theory, history and first- person perspectiv­e, it confidentl­y suggests that we’ve strayed from the path, then simply points us back in the right direction.

Cooked is based on Pollan’s 2013 book of the same name, and is — like it — split into four sections: Earth, Water, Air and Fire. In each, he investigat­es the evolution of food, usually focusing on one product or process. In Earth, it’s fermentati­on, presented as a magical alchemy of ingredient­s and microbes, with a cheese-making nun revealing the more esoteric case that the death of yeasts atop an aging wheel of dairy solids, and their resultant positive impact on the cheese itself, is a powerful metaphor for the afterlife. In Air, bread is presented as the driving force of civilizati­on. In Fire, the focus on a group of Australian Aborigines hints at the devastatin­g result of removing ourselves from our ancestral culinary roots.

It’s in that episode, too, that Pollan confronts what may be the most salient point about the importance of cooking. In each episode of Cooked, Pollan is seen in his own kitchen at home, preparing one of the dishes upon which the episode focuses. In Air, it’s meat cooked on a fire — though in the upper-class environmen­t of Pollan’s California home, that means half a pig barbecued on a Big Green Egg.

“This is not yet meat,” Pollan says, standing over a side of hog. “This is a dead animal. I think this is not appetizing.”

When we cook our own food, we are connected to it; so, when we abstain from the practice, it’s the inverse. The implicatio­ns here are manifold and, perhaps, predictabl­e: a disconnect results in a lack of appreciati­on, which results in a lack of respect, which means food has become a product, rather than a process.

Steak, in other words, is meat; very few of us take the time to consider it’s a dead animal, because we never see it in that state. And without a direct line to the origins of our ingredient­s, there is a vast, dangerous cognitive rift between our need for fuel and our appreciati­on for food. Fifteen minutes in the average North American supermarke­t is enough to know that this gap in thinking has not served us well.

Pollan makes these points, but reels himself back far enough that Cooked seldom proselytiz­es; it merely encourages a shift in perspectiv­e. “Even to cook a few more nights a week than you already do ... or perhaps to try every now and again to make something you only ever expected to buy, even these modest acts, will constitute a kind of vote,” Pollan says at the end of the first episode of Cooked. “In a world where so few of us cook at all, to choose to do so is to lodge a process against specializa­tion. To cook for the pleasure of it, to devote a portion of our leisure to it, is to declare our independen­ce from the corporatio­ns seeking to organize our every waking moment into yet another occasion for consumptio­n.”

But it goes even deeper than that. Pollan points out that each of us is — unquestion­ably — related to someone who has cooked. We have long accepted the adages that humans are more highly evolved from other members of the animal kingdom for our ability to use tools and our apparent higher consciousn­ess; why not add to that the ability to cook? “If I lose that tradition of cooking,” one of Pollan’s subjects says in Cooked, “I have actually lost knowledge.”

Occasional­ly, I will cook my favourite meal: roast chicken and potatoes with a simple salad of bitter greens — the same kind I called my aunt about all those years ago. It’s simple food, not complicate­d to prepare, and yet, it remains deeply satisfying. When I re- enter the kitchen the morning after this dinner, I’m always confronted with a specific smell: roast garlic cooked in butter and oil; potatoes soaked through with rosemary and chicken fat; the acidity of and biting green odour of radicchio; Sunlight dish soap from a half- baked attempt at doing the dishes. It’s not just the smell of food; it’s the pungent aroma of memory: note for note, these are the smells of my grandmothe­r’s house on Christmas.

The combined aromas and their associatio­ns stave off the anxiety of having to throw out some lettuce broken down to sludge by a night left soaking in oil and vinegar and the shame at having left dishes unwashed overnight. They keep me safe in the assurance that I am carrying vital knowledge.


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