National Post

Liberals back Tory motion condemning Israel boycott


• Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have joined forces with the official Opposition to overwhelmi­ngly approve a Conservati­ve motion condemning Canadians who promote the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement against Israel.

But not all Liberals are on side. About a dozen Liberal MPs refused to vote on the motion, which passed by a vote of 229- 51; one Liberal voted against it.

Neverthele­ss, t he f act that Trudeau and most Lib- erals supported it prompted NDP Leader Tom Mulcair to charge that the prime minister is once again aligning himself with the Tories to suppress the civil liberties of advocacy groups.

Mulcair said Trudeau did the same last year when he chose to support the Conservati­ve government’s controvers­ial anti- terrorism l egislation, which New Democrats and other critics maintain equates legitimate dissent with terrorism.

The Tory motion called upon the government to condemn any and all attempts by Canadian groups or individual­s to promote the boycott, divestment and sanctions movement, which it describes as promoting the “demonizati­on and delegitimi­zation” of Israel.

“This goes against the freedom of expression we hold so dear in our society,” Mulcair said.

Mulcair said one can disagree with the boycott movement and debate it.

“But to call upon the government to condemn someone for having that opinion, that’s unheard of,” he said, adding t hat t he motion “makes it a thought crime to express an opinion.”

“Since when do we allow that in a free and democratic society?”

Anthony Housefathe­r, Liberal MP for the Montreal riding of Mount Royal, said “I’m thrilled that the great majority of Liberals voted in favour of it when we had a free vote.” said Housefathe­r,

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