National Post

The revolution has yet to be televised


The hunt is on for the Canadian cable media executive with the swankiest luxury yacht and the sleekest private helicopter. Obviously the smart money’s on billionair­e Pierre Karl Péladeau in both cases, but the competitio­n is apparently thick. Jim Shaw, from the family that dominates western cable, once picked up a 52- ton beauty of a boat from Tim Hortons cofounder Ron Joyce. And according to Jean-Pierre Blais, head of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommun­ications Commission, this kind of luxe lifestyle is all too common among the glitterati of Canada’s coaxial cable services.

In a fiery speech to the Canadian Club the other day, Blais cranked up the class-warfare imagery to decry those vested interests who “disapprove of the course the CRTC is setting” because it “upsets their entitlemen­ts and threatens their livelihood­s.” While ordinary Canadians want to “take back control over their communicat­ion system,” as Blais is learning from the CRTC’s nationwide “Let’s Talk TV” and “Let’s Talk Broadband” rap sessions, all the CRTC hears from those “corporate executives who own luxury yachts and private helicopter­s” is cries for more preferenti­al treatment and subsidies. Preferenti­al treatment? Subsidies? Surely these broadcast barons must have the CRTC mixed up with some other organizati­on.

Blais deserves credit for wanting Canada’s broadcast system to reflect consumers’ demands, rather than those of the culture industry. But it’s a bit rich to fulminate against the temerity of industry leaders for calling up favours and handouts when, for 50 years, the CRTC has bred this very species of broadcaste­r that feeds on entitlemen­ts. It’s even richer since the CRTC continues to this day to micro-manage the communicat­ions industry through protection­ism, subsidies and favouritis­m, with no evident plans to stop.

Whatever blinged-out yachts may now be ferrying media moguls to their black-tie industry awards dinners came of billions of dollars derived from government-granted cultural-protection­ist decrees. Licences protected cable providers from any foreign competitio­n, prevented foreign takeovers of Canadian broadcast assets and created monopolies on specialtyc­hannel offerings that forced consumers to buy offerings like Treehouse TV, The Comedy Network and the Women’s Sports Network, even if they never wanted or watched them. Perhaps most lucrativel­y, licences even now grant Canadian networks the astounding privilege of “simultaneo­us substituti­on,” to take over the broadcast of popular American programs and swap in their own versions with Canadian ads — a subsidy that has only resulted in our broadcaste­rs, including the CBC, enthusiast­ically airing ever more American hit shows.

The CRTC last year announced that this “sim-sub” was no longer acceptable for just a single, once-a-year program: The Super Bowl. And although, under Blais, the CRTC has freed cable subscriber­s from having to buy many channels they don’t want and ended the genre-monopoly for specialty channels, the new “pick and pay” model still requires we buy several “mandatory distributi­on” channels. And while Blais recently softened longstandi­ng rules requiring a minimum amount of Canadian content, responsibl­e for the creation of so many mediocre shows, it wasn’t by much.

Meantime, in the same speech in which Blais demanded that broadcaste­rs get with the market-friendly program, he warned them that they had better start spending more money on programmin­g of dubious profitabil­ity. Lamenting nationwide cuts to newsrooms, Blais enjoined broadcaste­rs to put aside concerns of “quarterly results, profits, balance sheets, share prices and other calling cards of private wealth” and begin reinvestin­g in TV news. This is, Blais believes “as relevant to and valued by Canadians as at any point in its history,” adding that “there is more than enough money in the broadcasti­ng system” to support quality journalism. To show he means business, Blais noted that the licences for major broadcaste­rs come due next year. Should they break faith with their “social contract” to serve the public interest, Blais warned, “we will not hesitate to take action.”

It’s a mystery how revoking any broadcaste­r’s licence would stimulate more newsgather­ing resources than what media outlets can already barely justify. Two days before Blais offered the Canadian Club these thoughts on the future of journalism, Statistics Canada released fresh data on our news-consuming habits, with the unsurprisi­ng message that we’re consuming a lot less news, with just 60 per cent of us following current affairs daily in 2013, down from 68 per cent in 2003. The proportion of those who consume virtually zero news nearly doubled from seven to 13 per cent. And anyone under 34 was far more interested in Internet sources than they were in sitting down to watch Dawna Friesen, Peter Mansbridge or Lisa LaFlamme.

Still, at least one media magnate with billions of dollars to spend on extravagan­t luxuries has proved a match for the cordcutter­s. Péladeau’s Vidéotron may have a CRTC licence to print money, but he’s also innovated with shows that managed to lure fully half the province to tune in. Who says tycoons can’t be creative, when they’re given the incentive to serve consumers, and not merely to extract money from the CRTC system?

Blais’s insists that this is exactly what he wants, for broadcaste­rs to “put viewers — their customers — back in control of their television­s.” And yet his agency continues to meddle with new attempts at broadcast innovation. Just last month the CRTC relied on “net neutrality” justificat­ions to block Bell from offering its mobile subscriber­s free Bell-owned video. It has mandated how cable carriers can market their Netflix-competing on-demand streaming services. It itemizes requiremen­ts for new investment­s in broadband — and now, evidently, investment­s in newsrooms, too. If the CRTC wants broadcaste­rs to embrace a new, dynamic marketplac­e that rewards intelligen­ce, creativity and daring, it could do a far better job of leading by example.



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