National Post

PEN and propaganda

- Barbara Kay

Marking Freedom to Read Week, on Wednesday, Feb, 24, at the Toronto Reference Library, PEN Canada will present, “Embattled Truths: Reporting on Gaza,” a talk by U.S. polemicist Max Blumenthal followed by a conversati­on with Toronto Star foreign affairs reporter Olivia Ward. Blumenthal is blurbed in the invitation as an “acclaimed U.S. journalist” who will “discuss the challenges of sifting truth from propaganda when reporting on conflict in the Gaza strip.”

I’m not alone in finding Blumenthal a disappoint­ing choice for this sensitive topic. A report in Canadian Jewish News describes Blumenthal as “so far out on the fringe of the anti-Israel movement and his biases so glaring that you’ve got to venture past people like Noam Chomsky and Norman Finkelstei­n before you start to get into Blumenthal territory. Then you’ve got to go a little further … ” Indeed, some enthusiast­ic “acclaim” for Blumenthal’s ideas has come from former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke and the white-supremacis­t site Stormfront. Controvers­ial ideologues cannot choose their fans, of course, but it’s perhaps surprising his writing seems so well-regarded among the most unsavoury types imaginable.

To be clear, Blumenthal is not a complete pariah, and occasional­ly surfaces in reputable publicatio­ns like The New York Times. A few respected writers like James Fallows and Andrew Sullivan have expressed admiration for Blumenthal’s intensely held conviction­s and high-octane style. But the default response to Blumenthal’s gonzo journalism amongst most credible critics is profound revulsion. And not only, or even primarily, from proIsrael pundits. The left-wing magazine The Forward, for instance, referred to Blumenthal’s 2014 book Goliath: Life and Loathing in Greater Israel, as “so anti- Israel it makes even anti- Zionists blush.” Highly respected leftwing columnist Eric Alterman of The Nation described Goliath as a screed appropriat­e for a “Hamas Book of the Month Club.”

These aren’t serious exaggerati­ons. Goliath contains chapter headings like “The Concentrat­ion Camp,” The Night of Broken Glass,” and “How to Kill Goyim ( nonJews) and Influence People.” Perhaps concerned that Nazi atrocities wouldn’t resonate with millennial­s, in Sept 2014, Blumenthal helped promulgate the hashtag # JSIL. No exegesis required, I trust.

Blumenthal’s obsession sometimes takes a farcical turn. He tried to appear with Toronto anti- Zionist David Sheen before the Berlin Volksbühne on the 2014 anniversar­y of Kristallna­cht (!) to “explain how the legacy of the European genocide had inspired our work,” but instead earned himself a lifetime ban at the German Parliament, for whom any associatio­n with anti- Semitism is anathema (Google “Toiletgate, Blumenthal” for the entertaini­ng details).

A spokespers­on for the venue stated, “Max Blumenthal has been invited very clearly not because of his personal views, but to speak on his experience­s as a journalist.” Journalism is a big tent, true, but even apart from his bias, Blumenthal’s sum total of war experience — a few weeks in Gaza — do not make him a war commentato­r worthy of such a prestigiou­s platform.

Blumenthal speaks neither Hebrew nor Arabic. Given his previous writings, it’s fair to ask whether he went to Gaza with the motivation of reinforcin­g foregone conclusion­s. His reports arguably perpetuate discredite­d statistics, ignore crucial context, fail to cite sources and he has, at times, uttered blatant falsehoods ( in a 2014 interview with La Presse, for example, he stated that since 2000 no Israeli soldier has ever been indicted for murder, when in fact dozens of investigat­ions into Operation Cast Lead yielded a number of indictment­s; and he falsely stated Israeli soldiers are immune from prosecutio­n). Blumenthal says he wants to “sift truth from propaganda,” but to many, he himself is a propagandi­st.

There is no shortage of war zones in the world and no shortage of knowledgea­ble war correspond­ents. Why Gaza? And if Gaza it had to be, then why not a debate between Blumenthal and, say, veteran Israeli- Canadian journalist Matti Friedman? Friedman’s comprehens­ive, 2014 evidence- based analysis of media coverage in Gaza (“An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth” in Tablet Magazine) truly merits the word “acclaimed,” and Friedman would have brought necessary balance to the event ( more accurately, he would have mopped the floor with Blumenthal).

I spoke with Brendan DeCaires, program director for PEN Canada. He confirmed that PEN and the Reference Library knew exactly what they were getting in Blumenthal, but DeCaires will only concede that Blumenthal is “pugnacious,” asserting, “We have no stake in the content of what Mr. Blumenthal says. We support his right to say it.” That is puzzling on both counts. When you are spending donor and taxpayer dollars, you willy- nilly have a stake in the content you are facilitati­ng. And nobody is disputing Blumenthal’s speech rights, only the propriety of PEN and the library lending his alarming views an unconteste­d pulpit and cultural legitimacy, whose ripple effect will be a raft of further invitation­s from mainstream institutio­ns who would otherwise — quite justifiabl­y — have considered Blumenthal beyond the pale.

My final question to DeCaires was, “Do you consider Blumenthal to be a reliable narrator?” A three- beat silence, followed by a nonsequitu­r. I can think of many fanaticall­y held biases that are too rancid to pass PEN’s and the venue’s smell test. Why were they oblivious to the stench arising from this one?


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