National Post

Trudeau’s trap


Re: “Trudeau’s Data Always Say ‘ Spend,’” by Kevin Libin, March 3

So our prime minister considers balancing the books a trap! Though borrowed money seems genuine enough, it has t he disadvanta­ge of having overheads, whereas money earned is more a matter of substance, and less a mat- ter of appearance.

There is t ruth to t he maxim, “A bird in the hand, is worth two in the bush.”

If a large debt stretches over long periods of time, the cost of the debt only increases, while with inflation, its original value decreases. Though the mantra, “Live now, pay later,” may have instant political appeal, ultimately debt does not create prosperity, it erodes it.

Trudeau’s desperate gamble to distinguis­h himself f rom the Conservati­ves, only adds madness to his method. Gordon Watson, Rocky Mountain House, Alta.

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