National Post

Ash ’100-per-cent surprised’ by ouster

- Sadaf Ahsan

In yet another surprise eviction for anyone who is not a dedicated ogler of the live feeds, the Big Brother Canada housemates chose to eliminate Toronto’s Sharry Ash in an 11 to 1 vote, saving Loveita Adams, who, in a moment of delicious justificat­ion, went on to win Head of Household in the same night.

Early fan favourite Loveita spent the week in the hot seat, paying the price for her time as Head of Household and putting the beloved Kelsey up for eviction. Unfortunat­ely for Loveita, Kelsey was ultimately saved from eliminatio­n, and with her army of crushes behind her, came ready to steal Loveita’s throne this week.

As the second HoH of the season, Jared proved to be head- over- heels in loyalty with Kelsey, but while Loveita was pegged to go home, especially after narrowly losing the Veto competitio­n to floater Christine, in a shock twist, the house banded together to have her stay.

We caught up with Sharry post- eviction to find out if there are any hard feelings, and if Nikki Grahame and Tim Dormer, the house’s new internatio­nal guests, are as cringewort­hy inside the house as they seem outside. Q: You and Loveita had quite the fan base just two weeks into the game. Are you surprised by that? A: Oh my god, wow. I wasn’t sure how people would take to us, because I know everyone loves drama and we were trying our best to play clean. So I love that. Q: Your efforts to stay clean don’t seem to have paid off. Why do you think that is? A: I think when I was campaignin­g, people saw me as a threat. They saw Loveita as an easy target, and figured if they vote me out now, they’ll be safe next week. But I think everyone was forgetting about the HoH, and who would win that after all of that. It was definitely disappoint­ing, but it was a good move for them to take me out, because I was a threat. Q: Were you surprised, or had you guessed that things had tipped in Loveita’s direction before the eviction? A: I was 100-per-cent surprised that the entire house voted me out, yes! I did have discussion­s with people in that time, and I could see that some were leaning towards keeping Loveita, especially Joel, who is very close to her. Q: Nikki was the sole vote for you to stay. Was she left out of the loop, or do you think it was a game tactic for her? A: We have a very good relationsh­ip, but Nikki and Tim had not been partaking in the game this week, so they agreed to split their vote, which was so great of them, and they stuck with that plan. Q: You’ve said that you felt like the other house guests were afraid of your game. Did allying with Loveita put a bigger target on your back? A: Individual­ly, everyone had their reasons to evict me. But allying with Loveita put me in a position where I ended up on the block. I felt like I was the only person she could talk to and connect with. She could tell me about missing her friends and her boyfriend, so we had this relationsh­ip that was isolated from all of the game play, too. We connected. Q: In a major moment for the season so far, Loveita won HoH right after your eviction. Are you rooting for her? A: Oh my god, honestly, I knew it would happen before I was evicted! It sounds strange, but I felt this energy in the house that something huge was going to happen and shake everything up. I am over the moon. I want her to learn from this week and last and use that, because right now, she can dominate and change things up. She needs to put herself out there and really build relationsh­ips, but not too openly. She could really rally the house right now against you-know-who. Q: How has the dynamic been with Kelsey, who has already been painted as the villain of this season? A: Jared, Kelsey and Raul are really playing the game in a way where they’re breaking things apart and bullying and disrespect­ing other people. And that is game play that I don’t like, and Loveita didn’t like. Now she has the opportunit­y to clean up the house. Q: Who have they been bullying? A: Maddy had a run-in with them where she was really hurt about something they said and it opened old wounds. And Loveita definitely didn’t have a very positive relationsh­ip with Kelsey. I also didn’t like the way Jared was towards Dallas, pushing him to come clean about the lie. So I’m rooting for Loveita to take this chance to change things up. Go for it, girl. Q: But do you really think it’s possible to play Big Brother clean? A: Most definitely. In the first week, no one knows anyone and you have no reason to put anyone on the block. People saw what Loveita and I were trying to do in preventing a monster from being in power, and I think they’ll come to that side now and see that. It’s definitely possible to not lie to people or bully them.

Tune in next week and check back here for a chat with the next evictee.

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