National Post

Doctors let suicidal patients die, college says

- Graeme Hamilton

MONTREAL • Quebec’s College of Physicians has issued an ethics bulletin to i ts members after learning that some doctors were allowing suicide victims to die when life- saving treatment was available.

The bulletin says the college learned last fall that, “in some Quebec hospitals, some people who had attempted to end their lives through poisoning were not resuscitat­ed when, in the opinion of certain experts, a treatment spread out over a few days could have saved them with no, or almost no, after-effects.”

It goes on to spell out a physician’s ethical and legal duty to provide care, even to patients seeking to end their own lives.

Yves Robert, the college’s secretary, told the National Post that an unspecifie­d number of doctors were interpreti­ng suicide attempts as an implicit refusal of treatment. They “refused to provide the antidote that could have saved a life. This was the real ethical issue,” he said.

“If there is a life- threatenin­g situation, you have to do whatever is possible to save a life, then you treat the underlying cause.”

In the four- page bulletin posted on the college’s website last week, the profession­al order’s working group on clinical ethics says considerat­ions of obtaining patient consent for treatment have to be set aside in such situations. “From a moral point of view, this duty to act to save the patient’s life, or to prevent him from living with the effects of a too-late interventi­on, rests on principles of doing good and not doing harm, as well as of solidarity,” it reads. “It would be negligent not to act.”

It says treatment should be withheld only in cases where a physician has “irrefutabl­e proof ” of a patient’s wishes in the form of an advance medical directive or a do-not-resuscitat­e order.

Once stabilized, a survivor of suicide may require psychiatri­c treatment, the bulletin says. “Recognitio­n of psychologi­cal suffering can allow a person who wants to kill himself to picture his life differentl­y,” it says.

Robert said t he Quebec Poison Control Centre, which provides emergency advice to physicians treating patients who have ingested poisons or pills, alerted the college to the issue.

“They were concerned by these cases,” he said. “It was not a frequent situation, but it was a situation that raised ethical questions on their part, and they wanted to have some advice from the college.” He said he did not know how many cases occurred or in which hospitals. More than 1,000 people die by suicide every year in Quebec.

Maude St- Onge, medical director of the Poison Control Centre, said the centre found emergency- room doctors were not always sure how to proceed when treating people who had attempted suicide. “We saw doctors at the bedside confronted with problems like this, patients who had attempted suicide,” she said. “There were treatments, antidotes that could have allowed a patient to recover relatively easily, but the patient resists treatment, or the family says, ‘ He wanted to die. Let him go.’”

She said she is not aware of specific cases where patients were allowed to die, but the college said it learned of incidents from other sources in the health network.

Robert said that even though withholdin­g lifesaving treatment is an ethical breach, the college has no plan to investigat­e the doctors involved. “We are not in a situation where we can go fishing, trying to see where that happened,” he said.

Bernard Mathieu, president of the 500-member Associatio­n of Quebec Emergency Physicians, said he was surprised to hear some of his colleagues were allowing suicidal patients to die. He made a point of sending the college bulletin to all the associatio­n members.

“We didn’t want any ambiguity about this necessity to intervene,” he said. Quebec’s debate over physiciana­ssisted death — which led to a law now in force allowing doctors to administer lethal injections to end the suffering of consenting, dying patients — may have contribute­d to the ambiguity, Mathieu said. “It’s possible it has confused doctors a little bit,” he said.

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